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Vascular Surgery and Its Types

Vascular conditions affect the arteries and veins in your body, which conduct oxygen.

Vascular Surgery and Its Types

When there is a hindrance in this mechanism, it can cause trouble in your body. However, in most cases, vascular conditions are treatable and often do not even require surgery.

It is important to see a vascular surgeon in Lahore, even when surgery is not required. Vascular surgeons specialize in the treatment of every kind of vascular problem except those of the heart and brain.

The vascular surgeon in Karachi will talk to you about how medication, diet, and exercise can be the first step in getting your health back. Moreover, when surgery is required, vascular surgeons are trained in all types of interventions.

Types of Vascular Conditions

The following are some of the common types of vascular conditions

Aortic Aneurysm

Chronic Venous Insufficiency

Deep Vein Thrombosis

Carotid Artery Disease

Minimally Invasive Vein Surgery

Pelvic Vein Disease

Peripheral Arterial Disease

Renal & Mesenteric Arterial Occlusive Disease

Sclerotherapy for Vein Disease

Spider Veins

Thoracic Outlet Syndrome (Vascular)


Varicose Veins

Vein Disease Overview

Venous Leg Ulcers

What is Vascular Surgery?

Vascular surgery is referred to multiple different procedures, which are to treat injuries and disorders of the arteries, veins, and lymph vessels. The procedures are performed on the aorta, arteries, veins in the neck, pelvis, abdomen, legs, and arms, excluding those in the heart and the brain.

Types of Vascular Surgery

The following are the types of vascular procedures

  • Amputation also includes the procedure of saving limbs from disease, infections, and burns.
  • Aneurysm repair includes abdominal aortic aneurysms.
  • Angioplasty and stenting.
  • Endarterectomy and Atherectomy of non-coronary arteries.
  • Embolectomy and emergency surgery to remove pulmonary embolism, which is a blood clot in the lungs.
  • Varicose vein surgery, phlebectomy, spider vein surgeries, and treatments, for example, sclerotherapy.
  • Vascular access procedures also include AV fistula creation for dialysis.
  • Vascular bypass surgery.

The surgery mainly depends on the procedure and the patient. Avascular surgeon in Islamabad has the option of either open or endovascular surgery. Open surgery is invasive and has more risks, especially if the patient has other comorbid conditions. The surgeon has a full view of the surgical area though. learn more about Med beds

Endovascular surgery, which is also called endovascular intervention involves a catheter and is performed under the guidance of an x-ray. The recovery time is reduced, and the surgery is less invasive compared to open surgery.

Why is vascular surgery performed?

If your condition cannot be treated with conservative treatments. For example, lifestyle changes and medication, you might need vascular surgery. However, if the condition is in the early stages, some vascular surgeons may recommend wait-and-watch monitoring with some changes in lifestyle, for example, quitting smoking and controlling diabetes. If your doctor thinks surgery is necessary, make sure you get all the information regarding it.

Surgery is necessary for the following conditions

  • Blood clots
  • Aneurysm
  • Carotid artery disease
  • Peripheral artery disease
  • Renal artery occlusive disease
  • Vein disease
  • Trauma includes procedures to stop internal bleeding and to repair blood vessels
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