So. I turned 25 last week. I am now a quarter of a century old. My birthday this year was honestly something I wasn't excited about. 25 has always seemed so old to me. And I know, I know - it isn't old. It just has been this milestone that I thought would mean a certain thing one I reached it.
Growing up, when someone said they were 25, I remember thinking "Wow. They are an adult. They must have it all together." In the weeks leading up to my birthday, I kept thinking that I didn't live up to the version of me at 25 that I had created for myself. The high school me would have told you that by 25, I would be settled into a career, I'd be married, I wouldn't live in Oklahoma, and who knows what other unrealistic expectation that I had dreamed up. What foolish and naive thoughts. I am now 25 and none of these things are true.
Despite not living up to my younger self's expectations, I have realized that my actual reality is better than anything I could have dreamed up. My 25 years have been amazing and I am thankful for all the experiences I have had.
I may not be settled into a career, but I am getting there. I graduated from an amazing university (even though it took 5 years instead of 4) that allowed me to have the job I have now. I have formed relationships with the people I work with. They have encouraged me to go back to school to get my Master's degree (I am halfway through my first semester!). A career is not something that we are just given. It is something that we earn through hard work.
I am not married (yet, winky face), but I have an incredible boyfriend. Zach is such an amazing person. We have an awesome apartment in the city. He introduced me to "The Office" and has taught me how to play Destiny. He always encourages me to always be the best person I can be. I could go on, but Zach already knows how I feel :)
I still live in Oklahoma. I always thought (and told people) that I would move back to California after college. Well, that is partly true. I did move back to California for two years a few years ago. My dad was transferred back out there for his job. California is great. The food, the shopping, the music, the weather - you can't beat it. But it just never felt like home. He was transferred back to OKC a few years ago, and I was so happy to come back. I may not be a native Okie, but I am proud to call Oklahoma my home.
So I am embracing my 25-year-old self. I celebrated my birthday early by going to see Porter Robinson + Madeon with two of my best friends. It was amazing. We drank and danced and let loose together.
Zach took me out to a fancy dinner. I had just gotten my hair done that day and was feeling myself. We talked and ate and enjoyed our date. After dinner, we met up with some friends at a bar to celebrate another friend's birthday. It was great being around so many awesome people.
If you ever think your life hasn't lived up to what you think it should be, take the time to evaluate what you have and what you have experienced. It will change your perspective. Here's to the next 25 years.