America Deserves A Trump
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America Deserves A Trump

Think of him as the egg the chicken came home to roost.

America Deserves A Trump

Donald Trump has a real shot at the United States presidency! The more I question how this happened, the more I have to laugh at myself for not considering Trump as a real presidential candidate. The more I think about it, I mean truly evaluate how we came to this point, the more it begins to make sense. And if you ask me, Donald J. Trump is exactly what America deserves.

With Trump as president, at least America would no longer have to keep up this humanitarian facade. With his reality show personality, venal greed and boasting power, at least we can be honest about who we are as a country. He can continue to demonstrate America’s sexist opinion of what a woman should be, continue to oppress African-Americans because their lives were always considered ⅗ of a person regardless. Maybe with Trump, we can finally own our truth and accept that white supremacy takes care of white supremacists.

For clarity purposes I am in no way advocating for Trump, hell, I cannot morally advocate for Hillary Clinton either. But, I do prefer my racism aloud, well known and in my face instead of hidden, or inferred, when written in laws that can lock up black mothers for sending their children to better schools outside of their zoned area. All decisions have consequences and America is finally not an exception to this rule. The infamous sermon “God Damn America” delivered by Jeremiah Wright, pastor of president Barack Obama, (which Obama received heavy backlash for) ironically parallels why karma is looking for America in this 2016 presidential election. Wright’s sermon emphasized Malcolm X’s statement “America’s chickens are coming home to roost.” Wright was quoted stating,

“The government gives them the drugs, builds bigger prisons, passes a three-strike law and then wants us to sing ‘God Bless America.’ No, no, no, God damn America, that’s in the Bible for killing innocent people,” he said back in 2003. “God damn America for treating our citizens as less than human. God damn America for as long as she acts like she is God and she is supreme.”

In addition to damning America, he told his congregation on the Sunday after Sept. 11, 2001, that the United States had brought on Al Qaeda’s attacks because of its own terrorism.

Going into other countries and “liberating” them by introducing “democracy” and ”Christianity” while we rip off their natural resources and exploit their people then act surprised when everyone does not love America, still explains our modern terrorism 15 years later. The blood on our hands is responsible for creating terrorists, especially when it was our military who decided to abandon weapons on terrorist lands.

See, Trump is the egg that is getting ready to hatch.

He is an accurate representation of what this country has been! Starting with the dishonest, hypocritical, belligerent, and completely arrogant character traits which he wears so well. It is quite paradoxical how most would not support Trump to be their president even though he qualifies by the traditional American standard. He accurately outlines corrupted values and tradition we continue to shamelessly uphold.

It's like… Dear Congress, what do you mean you don't want Trump as President? It's not like you wanted Obama as your president. Do you remember, when you refused to even consider a justice he nominated for the supreme court the entire year he had left in office?

Trump is the mutated gene in America’s DNA that stemmed from evolution. He is a result of America’s mass production when quantity became more important than quality. Or better yet, the pregnant teen who tries to live her life in denial. By choosing to still go to parties, get high, or go to school like nothing is new but that growing belly is a friendly reminder that a baby is coming. Trump running for president is like reading a positive pregnancy test and asking yourself how did this happen. And of course, you know exactly how it happened! You had unprotected sex with that boy you "love," after you decided a condom did not feel the same, decided not to be on birth control, or was too lazy, embarrassed, could not afford, or did not know where to get Plan B.

Similarly to the way America condemns teen moms, America must hold itself accountable for the circus this election has become. American private businesses decided to pay politicians to avoid laws that regulate their businesses. The economics of this country used to be dependent on the politics, but somehow the politics, politicians, and our policies are very much dependent on lobbying. And often it's in the form of money, especially for fundraising campaigns in upcoming elections. It is safe to say that most of congress has been bought by lobbyists. Once in office, they are obligated to pass or refuse laws to support the same groups who financially backed their campaign. The few against lobbying are often underfunded to uphold the values of the people instead of the value of a dollar. Lobbying is legal corruption and major cigarette companies are a prime example. An abundance of research links cigarettes to cancer but yet smoking cigarettes is still perfectly legal. However, I can go to jail as a New York resident for possession of a little marijuana. Lobbying is a multi-billion dollar industry which could explain why the cost for a presidential campaign is roughly one billion dollars.

Trump is what happens when our politically corrupt system and capitalistic philosophy decided to hook up and accidentally have a baby who I call self-interest. It's definitely not too late to “abort” mission but it's way past the first trimester where a pill won’t work. The only option left is the use of cold metal instruments with our feet held in stirrups with our business on display to a stranger - begging him to undo the mistake, we were not ready for.

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