Why do we feel the need to all dress the same? Or communicate solely via the Internet? Or pretend to like the exact same things as everyone else? Beats me--that's for sure. Nevertheless, we continue to mimic each other in everything we do, and in that, we create social trends. Here are some stupid social trends that I hate and want to die.
1. White High-Top Converse
First of all, why has this particular shoe randomly come back in style? Of course, Converse are always in style, but what's with everyone wearing white high-tops lately? Second of all, why are these people wearing them with dresses? Is it 2004? Is Bush back in office? Let me know because last time I checked, wearing Converse with dresses was emo as hell.
2. Basing Relationships Off Of Snapchat
Snapchat can be fun, and I use it way too much probably, but there comes a point in your personal relationships where Snapchat shouldn't be involved. It's bad enough that courting evolved into just texting for days on end and occasionally hanging out, but now people base their relationships on Snapchat. We all know why Snapchat coincides with flirting, ahem....nudes. Come on, now. Stop Snapchatting the person you like and actually hangout with them in person. Geez, has technology come too far? Do we depend too heavily on the puppy dog filter to uphold our cuteness?
3. Monograms
Are y'all 5 years old? I understand having bath towels and home decor monogrammed, but your clothing? Why in the world does anyone need to have their initials in curly letters plastered on every item they own. Unless you're a child, what's the point in monogramming your backpack and clothes? This has been a trend for several years, but lately, it seems like every girl I see has their initials somewhere on themselves. Weird.
4. Expensive Coffee
Do you guys not own coffee makers? I know most of y'all drop a hefty chunk of money on fattening frappes. Here's an idea: brew your own coffee at home and add liquid creamer, or better yet, whipped cream. Amazing! And if you still don't know how to work a coffee maker, ask your grandma to teach you.
5. Yeti Butts
Shall I compare thee to a Yeti butt? Thou art more lovely and more temperate. I don't know how this phenomenon came about, but I wish it would go back to where it came from. For those blessed souls who don't know what Yeti butts are, they are women's butts sitting on top of Yeti coolers. This is sexist and stupid, to say the least. I feel bad for all of the ladies who've submitted pictures of their Yeti butt. I hope they enjoyed their 15 minutes of fame being gawked at by privileged frat guys.
6. Tinder
If you love yourself, delete your Tinder. Mark my words, nothing good can come from Tinder. If you have to resort to a hookup app to find love, reevaluate your life.
7. Pizza And Cats
Shouldn't this craze have died down by now? I'm glad people who love pizza and cats feel the need to let everyone know that they're unique and quirky because they love pizza and cats. Stop the cat memes and pizza-patterned clothes--they aren't funny anymore.
8. Socks And Slides
There's a place to wear slides, and that's in the privacy of your own home. Seeing people wear them in public makes me nauseous for some reason. Maybe because they're sloppy and disgusting and a pain to look at. Put on some decent shoes and leave the socks and slides at home.
Well, sorry if some of your favorite things made this list. Not everyone can be the most original human being to ever walk the Earth--like me. I'm kidding. I could rant on and on about stupid trends, but I'm going to stop before I offend too many of you guys!