Annoying Things We Can All Relate To
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50 Things We Can All Relate To That Annoy Us

... Because life happens

Black and white adult cat staring at the camera

As human beings, there are just some things that seem to bring us all together with the same sense of irritation. Here are a few of those annoying things that make my list. I'm sure at least some, if not most, of them make yours as well. If you can think of any more relatable annoyances that I've missed, feel free to comment on this article and let me know!

1. Realizing there's no more toilet paper when it's already too late.

...Happens to the best of us.

Empty toilet paper roll hanging in a toilet stall that says Donet Panic written on it. yellow and black tissue roll Photo by Jas Min on Unsplash

2. Making a cup of coffee in the morning and forgetting it in the car.

..This can turn the best of days into the worst.

3. Pushing doors that say pull.

...Come on, we've all done it

4. When you hear people chew.

...I imagine beating you over the head every time I hear you chomp down on that chip!

5. When it's really quiet in a room and you hear that one person breathing like they just ran a marathon.

...Or maybe you just ran up two flights of stairs to get to class, we'll never know.

6. Grabbing a chocolate chip cookie, only to realize it's actually oatmeal raisin.

...Unless you actually like oatmeal raisin, then it's a win-win.

7. Getting comfortable in bed and then realizing you forgot to pee/turn off the light.

...To deal or not to deal, that is the question.

8. That one aunt/uncle that just always gives you that creepy vibe.

...This can make family parties a dread.

9. When your teacher makes you buy a textbook that you never even crack open.

...Sure, next time I'll just hand you my money and you can toss it directly into the garbage!

10. Continuing to open and reopen the fridge until the food that you want magically makes its way in there.

...Maybe if I walk away and come back it will work.

11. Walking into a room and then automatically forgetting why you went in there.

...And having to leave the room in order to remember.

12. People that drive without using their blinker.

..Left, right, straight?! Where ya goin' pal??

13. When you have really slow wi-fi.

Image of a WIFI signal in stone black and white striped flag Photo by Ken Friis Larsen on Unsplash


14. People who feel the need to scream into their phones as if the other person can't hear them.

...If you'd just speak into the phone like a regular human this would be a better experience for us all.

15. The world's obsession with the Kardashian/Jenner families.

...Still don't see what the hype is all about.

16. Advertisements before Youtube videos.

...When all you want to do is get ready while listening to Beyoncé!

17. When people read over your shoulder.

...This one is actually happening to me right now, hi :)

18. A-holes that park in the handicapped spots when they, in fact, not handicapped.

...One day they'll get all the tickets that they deserve.

19. People who cut in line.

...You gotta tell em how it is!

20. The LIRR/MTA

...If you're from NY, I know you can relate to this.

21. Being stuck behind someone who is walking painfully slow.

...I'm running you over in my mind.

22. When people smoke cigarettes right in front of the entrance to the building you have to walk into.

...Thank you for exhaling your smoke right into my face.

23. When boys think it's cool to treat girls like crap.

...Wasn't cool in elementary school, isn't cool now fellas.

24. Guys that still go to high school parties even though they've been out of high school for years.

...They're not laughing with you, they're laughing at you.

25. Celebrities that are obviously lip-syncing.

...Cough, Maria Carey, cough.

26. How you need a scissor to get the scissor out of its package.


27. When people text using that stupid "voice text" function.

...Please just text with your hands. I have absolutely no idea what you're trying to say.

28. Telling someone you can't hear them, so they use the same exact volume and just repeat what they said.

...Why are you like this???

29. When someone gets in the shower right as you were about to get in the shower.

...Yes, I've been laying in bed for 3 hours but I swear I was just about to get in there!

30. Saying "What?" for some reason, even though you heard what the person said.

...I really do not know why this happens.

31. When you're in a rush but the light is red.

...They just always seem to take longer when you have some place to be.

32. Cashiers putting your change down on the counter instead of in your hand.

...Hello, hi, my hand is right here!

33. The people that go up to order food to the cashier but are still continuing their phone conversation.

...This is just rude, and obnoxious, yet entirely too common.

34. That awkward time in the fall when it's freezing in the morning but stifling in the afternoon.

...Dress in layers people, layers!

Autum leaves on a tree in the morning sunlight selective photo of orange maple leafed Photo by Jeff Ma on Unsplash

35. Emailing your professor a long winded paragraph about a problem you are having and they email back, "Sure."

...I proofread that email about six times and all you say is "sure"??

36. Guys who put their car as their profile picture on Facebook.

...Are you a transformer?

37. Girls who have "X Years Young." in their Instagram bios.

...Just stop.

38. Trying to find the beginning to a roll of tape.

...This simple task takes way longer than it should.

39. When people drive your car and adjust your mirrors/seat.

...Please don't touch, adjust yourself not my seat!

40. People that talk during the movie.

...No, I can't explain this part to you because I can't hear it as you're blabbing in my ear!

41. People that decide to engage in conversation right in the middle of the hallway/sidewalk.

...I think the middle of this crowded sidewalk is the best place to take random, unnecessary pictures of every single skyscraper in Times Square.

42. When someone says, "no offense," and then continues to say something offensive.

...Well, screw my feelings, right?

43. People that pop their significant others pimples.

...This will never be endearing.

44. Teacher's pets.

...No one likes you. The teachers don't like you, your classmates don't like you. Please stop.

45. Going to the bathroom and someone goes into the stall right next to you.

...Yes, boys, us girls have the same "skip a stall" rule too!

46. When someone leaves your room and doesn't shut the door.

...If the door was closed when you opened it, CLOSE IT!

Dark room with open door and red light shining throughwhite wooden door Photo by Dima Pechurin on Unsplash

47. Political debates between two people who know nothing about politics.

...Or political debates between anyone at all.

48. When you get all ready to go out and your friend cancels plans.

...I wasted a full face of makeup for this!

49. People that drop their friends for their significant other.

... God forbid it doesn't work out, you'll come crawling back.

50. People that don't like animals.

...There is no good reason for this one!

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