11 Upcoming Movies That Will Make 2017 The Best Year | The Odyssey Online
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11 Upcoming Movies That Will Make 2017 The Best Year

What's coming soon to you theater in 2017!

11 Upcoming Movies That Will Make 2017 The Best Year

Well, we've reached the end of 2016, so while others are doing year-end retrospectives, In Memoriums, and Top 10 Best and Worst lists, I'm looking at the future. There's a great many movies coming to us in 2017-both good and bad. But we won't know til then, so for now we have the previews to give us and idea! And we've got plenty of them!

So let's take a look:


“Dominic Toretto... just turned on us!”

Dom is back... and he's gone bad?!

The series continues on doing what is does best: over-the-top stunts & explosions with all-new stars trying to get between Dominic Toretto and his family. But this time, the betrayal is from within, so it seems, so they turn to a former enemy (Jason Statham) for help.

I've really dug the fact of how much of a world the F&F movies have and how much they use it. It's not something you see done in many action franchises, which I chalk up to writer Chris Morgan, who's written every movie since the 3rd one! Director F. Gary Gray is new to the franchise, so we'll have to see if he's brought a new energy to this one. Trailer seems like a good start though!

But seriously-NO ONE though to do F8 of the Furious?!

The Fate of the Furious is due in US theaters on April 14, 2017


I did not start this war.
I offered you peace.
I showed you mercy.
But now you're here.
To finish us off... for good.“

The new POTA series has gotten better with each film, both in style and technology. That opening shot of Caesar is quite stunning in how simple it looks. But its the heart that Andy Serkis brings to Caesar that has kept the series going strong. The introduction of Woody Harrelson as the Colonel looking to wipe out the apes, brings a strong presence to this final (?) confrontation.

Director Matt Reeves and writer Mark Bombeck return for this third installment, which is going for an epic feel. This looks really strong for the summer.

War For the Planet of the Apes is due in US theaters on July 14, 2017


"You mean you see it too?"

Well, I think going for a more comedic approach to the material, like 21 & 22 Jump Street is the smart was to go. And Dwayne “The Rock” Johnson has an excellent sense of humor about himself. But with six writers listed, I have my doubts about it.

Baywatch is due in US theaters on May 26, 2017


I used to want to save the world... this beautiful place...”

About damn time!

With at least a half dozen movies apiece for Superman and Batman, it has taken far too long for Warner Brothers to bring the 3rd member of the DC trinity her own feature film. When viewing Batman Vs. Superman Dawn of Justice earlier this year, every time Gal Godot's Diana Prince/Wonder Woman was on screen, the energy jumped in the theater. The film also left us with the question, why did Diana stop being a hero for a century?

Director Patty Jenkins brings energy and action to what's shown in the trailer, as well as humor in both Diana's “fish out of water” in Europe and Etta Davis (Lucy Candy's) responding to Diana's uncensored commentary. And I think we can all agree that the WB/DC Synderverse could use a little more humor in it.

Very much looking forward to this!

Wonder Woman is due in US theaters on June 2, 2017


Welcome to a world... of gods and monsters.”

Part Mission Impossible, part monster movie-all new BIG franchise...and it doesn't get any bigger than Tom Cruise running for his life!

Universal is starting up a new franchise based on the “Universal Monsters”, even if most of them are in public domain. But they are obviously going in strong, as shown by casting Cruise, as well as Russell Crowe (I would avoid IMDb if you'd rather not know who he's playing...) At least two more films are in development, one staring Johnny Depp. But that'll all depend on how this one does.

I think the biggest issue with the trailer is that it shows a little more than it needed. The seemingly back-from-the dead would've played better later. But overall, that's a fine first trailer to tease us with!

The Mummy is due in US theaters on June 9, 2017


Kong's a pretty good king.“

I've been on-board with this movie since the first footage showed up after San Diego Comic Con back in July-And I still am! The fact that director Jordan Vogt-Roberts unabashedly wants to remind you of Apocalypse Now is bold and intriguing.

This trailer gives you a little more idea of the storyline and how we end up on Skull Island. It also brings in John C. Reilly's lost WWII pilot, which I wish they'd left for us to discover in the film. But he does have some good lines. This is supposed to take place in the same universe as the recent Godzilla movie, leading us eventually for a throw-down between the two titans.
I'm all in for this movie!

Kong Skull Island is due in US theaters on March 10, 2017


Forgive me.”

So for our fifth go-around from Michael Bay and his telling of the saga of the Autobots & Decepticons, we get a turnabout as Optimus Prime goes bad guy? First Dom in F&F8, now Optimus?!

That's one way to get attention... and alienate your audience.
Don't know if it's a good plan, but at this point, you know if you're going to go see this, no matter what the plot is.

Transformers-The Last Knight is due in US theaters on June 23, 2017


Wait a minute. You guys aren't the real Avengers!”

No matter what you may have thought of the movie, Spider-man's introduction* into the Marvel Cinematic Universe in Captain America-Civil War was one of the highlights of 2016. Tom Holland quickly nailed the combination of nerdy outsider and quipping superhero to bring life to a character that's been mishandled in many recent movies.

While this is Spider-Man on his own, we get to see that the events of the past are still with him and he's trying to find his way in the world as superhero. I can only hope that this is less of an origin story (WE DON'T NEED THAT AGAIN), and more of Peter figuring out who he is and what he wants to do with this “great responsibility.”

And that last shot? SOOO excellent!

*See there's a whole thing about other movie studios other than Disney owning Marvel characters, that I'll get into next year if you're interested.

Spider-Man: Homecoming is due in US theaters on July 7, 2017


I did your job once - I was good at it.“
Things were simpler then. ”

This is tough, as Blade Runner is a classic film, an iconic film. A film that, in many ways, had no need for a sequel... especially one 36 years later.

But between the return of original star Harrison Ford and original screenwriter Hampton Fancher (with Michael Green), as well as Arrival director Denis Villeneuve, this trailer does a great job of doing what this type of trailer should do: tease.

I am very interested in seeing what will this be, and need little more info. Now just to wait ten months.

Blade Runner 2049 is due in US theaters on October 8, 2017


Somebody please get this man... a gun.”

I've been a fan of John Wick since I saw the original theatrically in October 2014, one of the few who did apparently. It is since gained a rightly deserved following as a great action movie, showing off Keanu Reeves gun skills once more. The world building in it is some of the nicest I've seen in years. Everyone in the movie has a look and feeling of history that you'd be happy to follow.

I truly hope this is a continuation of what made the first film great. I'm glad that original writer Derek Kolstad and director Chad Stahelski have returned for this latest chapter.

John Wick: Chapter Two is due in US theaters on Feb. 10, 2017


Are you sure about this, Captain?”

I am huge fan of Alien and Aliens, both classic and iconic films. Then the misfires that were Alien 3 and Alien: Resurrection. Then came the return of Ridley Scott and Prometheus, film that was beautiful to see but with some of the stupidest characters I've ever seen.

So I'm more than a little trepidatious about Ridley returning AGAIN to the world of Alien. And as exciting as this trailer is, I get the nagging feeling I'm watching a “re-imagining” of Ridley's original Alien, which I'm not pleased about.

We shall see...

Alien: Covenant is due in US theaters on May 19, 2017.

Now onto our feature presentation!

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