She’s charmed us in her countless films. She’s wowed us on the runway. She’s inspired us through her words and education. Here I have the top 5 times Emma Watson has taught us lifelong and valuable lessons, all before the age of 30.
1. As Hermione Granger
She’s probably sick of hearing this by now, but there’s no denying this fact. Emma first captured our hearts as the beloved Hermione Granger. Without her, where would Harry be? Even as a young girl, she showed us that looks aren’t all that matter in a lady; books, cleverness, friendship AND bravery is something all of us can strive for. Throughout the seven HP films, we got to see Emma grow up with grace, talent, and all the inner beauty that she carried with her into her life beyond Hogwarts.
2. As Sam from Perks Of Being A Wallflower.
That grace and inner beauty continued to show through her character as Sam in Perks. Here, she showed us how a carefree, somewhat broken high school senior can overcome her past and make a bright future for herself. Her story within Chbosky’s story inspired countless people overcoming abuse and finding strength in their scars. Only Emma could make being a wallflower look cool. Charlie wasn’t the only one to fall in love with Sam’s wisdom and charm. Not to mention how spectacularly she pulled off that haircut!
3. She graduated from college.
Not only did she graduate, but she got her degree in literature of all things. It just goes to show that studying stories and learning to analyze the way people think can carry you very far in life. This isn’t to mention that she graduated from Brown, a prestigious Ivy League university. Many high profile actresses don’t have the time or see the worth in going to college, but Emma found value in obtaining a higher education. What a way to show young women that being smart is an amazing thing to be!
4. Oh yeah, and she’s a model.
We knew she was talented. We knew she was smart. We would be lying if we said we didn’t know she’s drop dead gorgeous-- definitely modeling material. Arguably, modeling receives a reputation for being a shallow profession. But yet again, Emma Watson shatters this stereotype. In a quote referring to her photo shoot with People Tree, Emma describes that “fashion is a great way to empower people and give them skills.” Which, when you think about it, couldn’t be truer. Here, Emma offers a great perspective into the modeling industry, and makes what could be seen as superficial, real and inspiring.
5. The He For She Campaign
If you haven’t seen Emma’s speech for this campaign to the UN, check it out here, right now:
If her talents haven’t caught your attention already, look no farther. To me, a young woman on the verge of adulthood, this alone is the most amazing contribution Emma has had on my life, personally. I loved growing up with her as Hermione Granger, she’s inspired me in her countless films, photoshoots, quotes and dispositions, but her contribution towards gender equality is what inspires me the most. It was after learning of the He For She campaign that I decided to be a more outspoken feminist. Here, Emma uses her power of fame to provide a push to the ever growing gender equality movement and bravery and eloquence, she stands in front of one of the most powerful unions in the world to advocate for gender equality. This just goes to show that no matter what you believe in, if you stand up for it, you can make a massive impact on the world. Emma, we will always be grateful for your incredible inspiration!
P.S. Can we also take a moment of excitement to mention that she's going to be Belle in the upcoming live-action version of Beauty and the Beast!