Top 5 Findings of the DNC Leaks
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Top 5 Findings of the DNC Leaks

Holy sh!t, why are conspiracy nuts suddenly, right?

Top 5 Findings of the DNC Leaks

The old saying goes, "there's what you know and there's what you can prove". For the longest time I used to laugh at some of the right wing conspiracy theorists who proposed that the media conspired with government and that the election system was rigged. It was only about a year ago that I started believing those theories. And as of two weeks ago those theories are no longer theories thanks to the DNC leak, which has provided all the proof we need to confirm everything right wingers have been saying about the Democratic party for ages. So lets take a look at some of the best things to come out of the DNC leak.

1. Chuck Todd and CNN are DNC lapdogs.

There was a time in this country when the media was the fourth branch of government, and had checks over all the other branches. Where the media once had the power to put sociopaths in check, today it seems they take orders from said sociopaths. Just take a look at how Debbie Wasserman-Schultz talks to Chuck Todd after he allowed criticism of her to happen on his show:

Notice the tone in that email. She is talking to him like an intern, and not like the man who could destroy her entire reputation. Any journalist with half a spine would have said "no, I will not stop my criticism of you or this party" but instead he clears out his schedule for his boss.

It's not just MSNBC whose in on it either. Politco is also involved in this, with writers who send their pieces to the DNC before even sending it to the editors, and CNN who got questions fed to them by the DNC that they want to be asked in interviews.

2. Hillary has a Shill army.

This one I'm sure everyone already knew, but its still hilarious to see this confirmed. Hillary has next to no real support among voters, so she has to pay people to push back against the Bernie bros online.

I have to wonder however, why the media isn't pushing this fact harder though? Even fox news seems to have been incredibly quiet on this topic.

3. Most of the Trump protests were fake.

Yes, all of those violent trump protests we've seen the media cover in the past few months, all probably fake. Whatever real protestors show up are often times padded with DNC interns.

everything about the DNC at this point seems to be fake. The media can draw attention to the empty seats at the RNC but it seems awfully quiet about the fact the DNC needs to pay people to come fill seats as they remove the sanders supporters

Speaking of protests lets not forget that the DNC is beginning to look like a zombie movie with the scale of its protests.

4. They see minorities as a commodity.

This is another one that we conservatives have been trying to tell people about. These people are lying through their teeth when they say they care about the well being of blacks and Hispanics. They only support open borders because it gives them more votes. Let's also not forget about the taco bowl outreach remark, which may or may not have been in reference to Donald Trumps Cinco De Mayo antics. But let that confirm whatever bias you may have.

For me, this lends credibility to the "Democrat Plantation" theory. And if I was being talked about in this manner after voting democrat my entire life, I would be furious with these people.

5. They rigged the Democratic Primary.

Its really no surprise that this is the case. And whilst the Email being touted does not necessarily confirm this it is the missing piece of a very large puzzle.

To fully understand this you need to remember all the back to 2007 when Debbie Wasserman-Schultz was named national Campaign co-chair to Hillary Clinton's 2008 presidential run, in which she lost to Obama. So obviously to lock down the 2016 election, she had to get somebody on the inside of the DNC in order to manipulate it from the inside.

But in order for that to happen, they would need the then current DNC chair to step down and nominate Debbie for the position. Now to pull that off would either require some serious blackmail, or an offer too good to pass up, such as an even more prestigious position than head of the democratic party. Something like...

Vice President, perhaps?

And from there we get the massive media manipulation we've seen for god knows how long, as well as some pretty serious accusations of voter fraud, and you get one rigged election.

Sanders had one hell of an uphill battle in front of him. The DNC and Clintons donors had absolutely nothing but contempt for the man, and did everything in their power to make sure he got shut out.

Corruption thine name is Clinton.

And the reaction from Obama has been absolutely unbelievable. After 20,000 emails detailing the corruption within our electoral process Obama chooses to condemn Wikileaks and is filing an electronic terrorism case against them in order to protect his party. This is a man who is putting the preservation of the party over the interests of the American people. And to thicken the plot even further a DNC staffer and potential whistle blower was found murdered in the streets of DC. The cherry on top, virtual SILENCE from most mainstream media outlets.

Since the first batch of leaks hit, there has already been a resignation and a media diversion to blame this leak on Russia. And with more incriminating leaks set to drop as the election draws closer, we can expect to see many more resignations. I for one will not be happy until everyone involved in this steps down in shame.

It's a really sad day when the only true journalists left get labelled as terrorists. So here's to Wikileaks, the last honest group of journalists out there.

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