Top 10 Snacks Every College Student Needs In Their Life | The Odyssey Online
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Top 10 Snacks Every College Student Needs In Their Life

Snacks are sometimes there to help sure the boredom and our hunger as well. These are some of my favorite snacks that every college student needs in their life.

Top 10 Snacks Every College Student Needs In Their Life

College can be stressful enough with having to balance classes, studying, internships, work, and a social life. But sometimes we don't want to have to think about what we eat or snack on during our free time. So, here are some of the top snacks that every college student needs in their life.

1. Rice Krispy Treats

These treats filled with marshmallows and rice are all a girl can want at times. They are the perfect sweet treat to grab on the go or even when you don't know what to eat for breakfast. I have grabbed these sweet treats in a rush for breakfast because the cereal-based rice counts as breakfast, correct?

2. Flaming Hot Cheetos

Now Cheetos are great in any form, whether that be puff, puffcorn, jalapeno, regular, and my personal favorite of flaming hot. I love the heat and spice that emits from this treat. It is perfect when you are in the mood for a hot and spicy treat, not just wanting something plain jane.

3. Townhouse Crackers

Crackers are a pretty basic snack but can be paired with many different treats to give it a different taste. These crackers are the perfect mix of butter and salt. They are also perfect when it comes to needing a cracker to pair with cheese and meat, dip, jam, pesto, and even hummus. But of course, there are a plethora of toppings to go on these crackers.

4. Fruit Snacks

Many people have a favorite type of fruit snack, whether that be Great Value Fruit Smiles, Welch's Fruit Snacks, or even Mott's Friot Snacks. These are the perfect gummy snacks that emulate fruit flavors and are perfect for on the go as well.

5. Chips and Salsa

Now it isn't as good as the restaurants, but store-bought chips and salsa does the trick in a time of need. As college students, we don't have the money to spend at restaurants all the time and so buying it cheaper can do the trick. This is one of my favorite snacks when I am craving those restaurant-style chips and salsa, but my bank account can't afford it.

6. Pringles Chips

Any kind of Pringle chip brand is good but my personal favorite is Salt and Vinegar. With the many different flavors of chips, they can help calm any craving you have.

7. Chocolate Chip Cookies

It doesn't matter the brand, whether it is crunchy cookies, soft cookies, made-to-bake cookies, and many other different brands as well. These are perfect for when you are craving those homemade cookies and can do the trick nine times out of ten.

8. Pretzels

Twisty and salty treats are perfect on their own but also in dips as well. These are the perfect amount of crunch and salt, which makes for a perfect tasty treat.

9. Oreos and Peanut Butter

Now Oreos are great on their own, with the perfect amount of chocolate cookie and creme filling. But they are made ten times better with the addition of peanut butter. Now they do make peanut butter Oreos with peanut butter creme, but those aren't the same. The addition of the peanut butter adds a sort of salty and sweet kick to the already lovely Oreos.

10. Popcorn

Microwave popcorn is a perfect midnight snack or even study snack. You can get a multitude of flavors, whether your taste is sweet or salty. It all depends on your mood and what you are looking to snack on.

Snacks are something that we all love, especially college students. These snacks are more than just food at times, but a stress reliever for many different kinds of college students. So, I hope you enjoy all of these snacks and that you can add them into your collection wherever you are.

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