10 Of The Most Common Canadian Stereotypes
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10 Of The Most Common Canadian Stereotypes

They shape who I am, and I'm proud of them.

10 Of The Most Common Canadian Stereotypes

I grew up in Canada; I say some weird stuff every now and again and have to clarify myself daily since I live in the USA. I am proud of my Canadian background and I am so stoked to be living in the US of A! However, I am not going to change any of my weird quirks just to fit in, here are 10 Canadian stereotypes I exemplify, and that is one thing I am not going to apologize about.

1. We say 'EH' a lot.

barack obama it's about time eh GIF by ObamaGiphy

I don't do this intentionally, but I guarantee every time I do use this word I will not hear the end of it for the next week. Americans say "huh" and Aussies use "aye" -- we all have our word; move on already.

2. Maple syrup is BAE.

Super Troopers Drink GIF by Searchlight PicturesGiphy

You are just jealous your country isn't known for their love of maple syrup, because that's the s**t I put on everything!

3. Tim Hortons is our favorite fast food.

tim hortons coffee GIGiphy

Little unknown fact about Tim Horton: he was actually a hockey player in the 50s and 60s who died while driving drunk after a game. Most people recognize the name in association with his multi million-dollar coffee and donuts franchise. My personal favorite are the fruit explosion muffins!

4. We're super polite.


Being known as the country with the manners is not the worst thing to be known for. Not surprisingly, I am not sorry for this stereotype.

5. We don't get cold.

Game Of Thrones Yes GIF by MOODMANGiphy

It's not like the border was created because as soon as you cross the 49th parallel it's extremely cold. The majority of the Canadian population lives close to the American border and not in the frozen tundra. That being said, I don't need to bundle up as much as my American peers during the winter, and I don't think I could go a full 12 months without some form of actual winter weather.

6. Our lives revolve around hockey.

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Growing up with my siblings playing hockey, I just remember the early morning practices and Timmies runs. On a more serious note, not everyone plays hockey, but they probably did at some point early on.

7. Poutine is the best snack AND drunchies food.

Montreal Poutine GIF by Bob aux HallesGiphy

Any time of day is the best time to have poutine, but once you turn 19 (or 18 in some provinces), that is when you truly appreciate its cheesy, gravy goodness.

8. Toque is a winter fashion staple.

animation fashion GIF by Anchor PointGiphy

This is more slang than a stereotype, but Canadians are the only people who utilize the term. I am often met with puzzled glances after mentioning this article of clothing to my american friends.

9. We're proud we aren't Americans.


Now this might offend all you patriots out there, but in my opinion, Canadians aren't as in-your-face about being Canadian as Americans are. We are, however, proud of the stuff we don't do in contrast to all the dumb stuff that Americans are blindly proud they have done.

10. We live in igloos amongst polar bears and moose.

polar bear animation GIF by Channel FrederatorGiphy

Honestly, I wish we did. Igloos are cheaper than houses and it's totally acceptable to light a fire in the middle of your room. Polar bears and moose, on the other hand, are large, scary animals and traffic hazards. I've heard in some northern cities you cannot dress in white on Halloween in case you get mistaken as a bear!

So here you have it: my top Canadian stereotypes that I wouldn't change for anything in the world. I know I am missing plenty others because, just like most nations, we are a distinct and proud people. I am extremely fortunate to be able to experience life in both the US of A and Canada, and I hope I never lose any of my quirks; this is who I am and it's what makes me unique.

What are some common Canadian stereotypes?

Common stereotypes of Canadians include saying 'eh' a lot, being super polite, and lives revolving around hockey. While stereotypes are often grounded in reality, they're not always true.

Is the Canadian accent a form of stereotype?

Sure, it can be. It even has a name, 'Canadian rising,' as the pronunciation of words in the mouth are actually raised up compared to say an American accent.

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