I'd like to know when caring about another person became such a negative thing. If you have an interest in someone, why would you ever waste that? But hey, I hear you buddy, Some girls are clingy. Your last relationship ended badly. You like your space and just doing your thing. After all, who needs a relationship anyway? Your head and heart can debate all it want. Being single at a young age is totally fine but the problem is one day you're going to meet a great girl who you will fall for.
The hard part will come eventually because doing relationship- like things will make her want a relationship. A silly boy will most likely respond with "I'm just going with the flow, you're great but....."
When you say you don't want a relationship she isn't going to stay and wait... unless that girl is me.
Update to all boys: You do want a relationship. I know this because you like doing all the relationship things, like texting all the time, sharing personal details, being together, the list is endless. You just don't want the title. It is ironic that boys put in so much effort to get the girl only in the end to say that they "don't want a relationship". What is even more ironic is that boys say they just want to hook-up but in the end it never lasts long because that girl doesn't give two shits about you.
A real girl will be nervous because of every boy in the past who was just going with the flow, doesn't want anything serious, or just likes to have you on the side. What this boy is really saying is "I like you but I don't want to know if this could be a real relationship."
Dating doesn't mean you can't hang out with your friends, go to the bars with the boys, or just do something alone. And it doesn't mean you will be joined at the hip. I don't understand why boys think a relationship is a jail sentence.
Don't chase someone just to let them go. Don't talk to someone everyday if you don't want a connection. Don't do relationship things if you don't want a relationship.. It's not hard to be platonic. But don't squash your feelings if you found someone you connect with.