As some of you guys are moving out of your dorm rooms for the summer, while I am here for the second week of finals, I am thinking about my first year of college. It is amazing to me that I have lived with a group of people, who started out as strangers, for over two hundred days. There has been ups and downs, but I will definitely miss the hall. We were all coming in together, new to college life, not knowing exactly what we were getting ourselves into yet. Paisley 2, or as our RA tried to get the saying “P2 Crew” going, but sadly never quite caught on was the longest hall in the dorm. I guess it just wasn’t fetch enough. Some of us met each other briefly before moving in, so it was not as nerve-wrecking as it could have been. We all quickly introduced ourselves to each other and got know everyone a little bit better.
I remember some of us would sit out in the hallway and do homework late at night, or at least have our books and computers open to make it look like we were being productive. It would always be a challenge for people walking through, trying to move our stuff out of the way so they wouldn’t step on our books. Or we would sit in one of the kitchens and listen to music and talk about how hungry we were until we gave up and went to Wawa.
Another thing I am going to miss is being so comfortable with everyone that we would rarely knock on the door anymore, and just walk in to each other’s rooms.
Something that I think none of us completely understood was during the first semester, every weekend our hall would get “trashed” and our names on our doors were ripped down. But it was never any of us on the hall, but others who wandered up to the second floor late at night. Our RA even called a meeting and asked people to be more alert with other’s trying to destroy our hall.
During Christmas time, our amazing RA got decorations for the hall, and we even cut out a paper tree and everyone signed their names. That was really nice, and I am pretty sure none of the other halls in the dorm did something like that together.
I will never forget all of the noise and chaos that our hall experienced. If someone was playing music loudly, we didn’t even have to put on our own music to listen to. When I was talking with some friends with other halls, they mentioned that they did not really know everyone in their hall, and that is when I realized that our hall was something special.
There are so many things that I will never forget, but I wanted to say thank you for making our hall lively and unforgettable. Hope to see the P2 Crew around campus!