Everything I Need To Say To The Ex-Boyfriend Who's About To Get Married | The Odyssey Online
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Everything I Need To Say To The Ex-Boyfriend Who's About To Get Married

Loving you was easy, but losing you was hard.

Everything I Need To Say To The Ex-Boyfriend Who's About To Get Married

Hey, how are you doing there? I haven’t talked to you in a while.

I know we vowed to each other that we would never speak again, but I can’t help but check up on you.

Speaking of vows, congratulations on your engagement! I remember talking to you for the first time when I truly was getting to know the real you, and you said that you would never get married.

Funny how things change, right?

All those late nights, staying up and staring at the ceiling, talking about our future. I would’ve never expected that you would be marrying someone else. I hope you are the happiest you’ve ever been and are so head over heels for her because you deserve it.

I wish there were words to explain the way I feel towards you right now. No, it’s not resentment. It’s not jealousy. I just don’t know what it is.

I just want you to know that I will always love you, but I am over you. You were my first love after all. You showed me true feelings: the tears, the anger, the happiness, the laughs, and the smiles. There was just so much emotion between us, and I don’t think I will ever get over that.

I hear our song on the radio, and I’m not going to lie; I turn my volume all the way up and scream our song at the top of my lungs. You made me who I am today. I am not saying that’s a bad thing. I am just saying, without you, I wouldn’t be who I am.

“The worst me is just a long gone memory, you put a new heartbeat inside of me.” -Russell Dickerson.

It’s crazy to think that three years ago you asked me to be your girlfriend. And here I am three years later, torn to shreds because six months ago, you were mine. Now you’re engaged.

It wasn’t hard loving you, but it was hard being with you. The constant worry that came to dating a Marine was something that I will never get over.

But I wish you all the happiness and the stars in the sky because maybe we just weren’t right for each other. I love you and I am so happy for you.

This is my final goodbye.

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