To My Future Roommate,
College starts in a little over a month. We start living together in a little over a month. It's kind of scary thinking a few months ago we were complete strangers. Here are a few things to think of as we approach move in day.
1. I will try to be the best roommate.
I will try to put my work aside to hang out with you. I will try to keep our dorm "clean". I will try to let you know every time we need something or every time I get something.
2. I know I won't always be the best roommate.
My work will become too much and I won't be able to hang out with you. I'll leave a dirty dish siting around. I'll forget to tell you we need more toilet paper or that I already got more toilet paper.
3. You will always have a friend in me.
I will always be your shoulder to cry on, ears to listen, eyes to watch out, and caption creator. You are the Brooke Davis to my Peyton Sawyer and Dory to my Nemo.
4. I will always watch Netflix and eat ice cream with you.
I prefer vanilla, strawberry, cookie dough, or butter pecan but I'll compromise. I'll always be down for a good movie, One Tree Hill, or Grey's. Just know that if we start a series together and you watch with out me I will be very angry.
5. Communication is key.
Talk to me. Let me know if I pissed you off. Tell me if you had a bad day. I will always be there to listen.
6. I will never turn down a dance party.
If you feel like dancing, I feel like dancing. It can range from Hannah Montana to Fetty Wap to Carrie Underwood, I don't care. Spontaneous or planned. Early morning or late night. You want to dance, we'll dance.
7. I will take as many pictures as you want.
I don't care how good I look in a picture, if you don't like it we can take a new one. If you want to take pictures everywhere we go, okay. If your makeup looks good and you want to take pictures, okay. Unless I look terrible I won't turn down a picture opportunity.
8. I'm ready.
I'm ready to take on late nights together. I'm ready to take on football games together. I'm ready to cry together. I'm ready to laugh so hard we cry together. I'm ready and I hope you are, too.