3 Golden Tips to Sustain your Healthy Goals
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3 Golden Tips to Sustain your Healthy Goals

Health truly is wealth because without it by your side ... nothing that actually is would make a difference in your life. Therefore, here are 3 tips to help you keep your health goals on track.

3 Golden Tips to Sustain your Healthy Goals

Wait a minute. What are those?

Stacks upon stacks of pizza bites, cold cuts, and Chinese takeaways lined up beside your kitchen door or bed-side?

No, there is no use hiding them now. I've seen it all. You're shifting in your seat guiltily, aren't you? Relax. I've been there too. So, I understand.

After all, it is easy food. Just a quick call and ready-made meals are delivered to your doorstep. You do not even have to make an effort other than ordering, receiving and consuming the delectable delights. In the case of frozen food, you just have to microwave the platter in an attempt to be health forgoing the deep fired crispy crunch of goodness, which also happens to be just as bad for you. It is quite convenient, which makes it even easier for a treat to turn into a bad habit, essentially becoming detrimental to your health.

This prolonged intake of processed and high-caloric food is bad for you. That is why your friends push you to take those yoga classes, keep a balanced diet and attempt to get to the gym. They only want what's best for you, which is the reason why they care and so do I.

However, the actual trouble arises when you have to STICK to a healthy routine. It's quite easy to get a membership and take pieces of advice from your trainer. But actually seeing the workout through to the very end takes courage and consistency. These qualities are hard to sustain in a world which offers ready solutions for our lazy souls and empty bellies.

The key lies in not giving up and this is a struggle. I'm going to stand right by your side, helping you with the three golden tips to sustain your health, which have worked for me brilliantly in my own time of need.

Check them out below.

1. Take it Slow, Take it Steady:

When a dietitian hands you a full-fledged diet plan with its elaborate flow charts and its complex combination meals, it makes you want to turn on your heel and run away. This is what happened to me when I started out on my healthy track.

You cannot conquer Mount Everest in a single day. You must start off with baby steps working your way towards a bigger goal.

Keeping this in mind, I decided to formulate my own plan, one that I'd be comfortable following. For inspiration, I watched these super motivational movies and informative health-based TV shows viaLocal On-Demand deals (check https://www.localcabledeals.com/CableTV ). It gave me the necessary drive to be where I am today, i.e. in a perfectly healthy shape. This by no means is an excuse for you to become a couch potato -- channel surfing and munching away at snacks looking for motivation on your television screen.

To review: Take it easy, do not panic, you got this!

Focus on developing one healthy habit per week instead of all at once and follow the schedule with patience. If you feel overwhelmed at any time, take a breather, a walk or talk to someone who understands what your goals are. No matter what just keep moving and do not lose focus of your goals.

2. Phase-out Cleverly:

Giving up on unhealthy foods that you're addicted to is hard, but it's not impossible.

I know you're passionate about cheese, beer, pop, and those yummy sugary treats. No matter how hard you try to exclude these products from your dietary lifestyle, they keep on sneaking back up on you without warning. But know this, your love for them might super-strong right now, but it CAN and WILL be diminished over time if you play this game tactfully.

Firstly, do not attempt to cut yourself from the tasty yet unhealthy foods completely. You are only going to go back with a greater appetite than before, which is a major no-no.

Secondly, use the 'crowd out' approach. Start including healthier alternatives in your diet plan. Gradually, you'll start preferring these over the harmful ones. I don't remember the last time I had dairy for breakfast since I am now in love with freshly squeezed orange juice which is free of sugar and preservatives.

With a gradual phase-out, you'll stay on your healthy track for sure.

3. Measure your Progress:

Traveling blindly in a tunnel with no sense of direction is a great de-motivator. Are you going forwards or are you moving backwards? There's no way of knowing, and this would bum anyone out. Same goes for your healthy progress.

If you don't measure it or keep a track of it in a journal of sorts, you'll never know which goals you've accomplished over time and will not feel that sense of victory which comes at the end. So, note your progress every step of the way to keep yourself motivated.

Thus, by following these tried-and-tested golden rules, you can easily sustain your health goals. Give it a go.


Before we end this conversation right here, just one thing for you to keep in mind forever – you are beautiful just the way you are but it would be awesome if you're healthy enough for us to keep coming across each other's paths then that is truly a wonderful thing. Therefore, to make sure we aren't deprived of your presence – please, take care of yourself. Eat healthily and in turn, be healthy as well. It doesn't mean that you ought to leave everything you love eating it just means you need to keep a track of your food choices.

Best of Luck! :)

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