10 Tips For Interviewing For A Part-Time Job
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10 Tips For Interviewing For A Part-Time Job

A few tips for how you can prepare for a part-time job interview.

10 Tips For Interviewing For A Part-Time Job

Whether you're in college or still in high school, you will most likely need to find a part-time job. There are a lot of jobs out there, whether they're for department stores, fast food or on-campus college jobs. However, finding a part-time job isn't the hardest part. The hardest thing is to prepare for an interview, especially if you have never been interviewed for a job before. Trust me, everyone has been in the same spot before. However, there are a few tips that you can follow that will help you with doing great at your interview!

Here are 10 tips that will help you with your interview for a part-time job.

1. Make sure to come prepared

Job Interview

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The most important thing that you should do before your interview is to make sure that you come prepared. I cannot stress how important this is for having a good interview! If the person who is looking to hire you tells you through an email or through a phone call that you need to bring materials, then you need to make sure you follow their orders. If you're supposed to bring a resume, for example, then make sure you bring your resume. If you're being interviewed for an on-campus job, then make sure to bring a copy of your schedule for your classes.

In addition, make sure that you come prepared by doing some research on the place that you are looking at getting a job at such as researching online through their website or from talking to former employees. Coming prepared is the first thing that a hiring manager will look for.

2. Write down what questions you may be asked beforehand


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If you really want to prepare yourself for the interview, try to write down a few questions that you may be asked. Try practicing what answers you will give to the questions. For most basic part-time jobs, you will be asked basic questions along with job-specific questions. The best way to figure out what questions you will be asked during the interview is to search online. Preparing your answers for questions for your interview is also a great way to decrease the likelihood of being nervous.

3. Dress appropriately

Interview Dress Attire

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The first thing that employees or a hiring manager will notice is how you are dressed for their interview. This was something I often made a mistake about regarding interviewing for a job. You need to make sure that you know how to dress for your interview, and it won't always be formal. If you are looking at a job for fast food, then you should dress casual but not too casual. Wear at least jeans and a nice shirt unless you are told otherwise. For department stores, you will stand out better if you wear the clothes the store sells. Whatever the case, make sure you either research or ask former employees what you should wear for your interview.

4. Maintain eye contact

Job Interview

Tim Gouw / Unsplash

Maintaining eye contact with the person who is hiring you will show that you are alert and paying attention. That doesn't mean you should make them uncomfortable by staring intently at them, but make sure that you are at least maintaining as much eye contact as you can while you are answering any questions. If you are looking anywhere but at the person who is interviewing you, this will show them that you are not taking the interview seriously and you are not paying attention. Also, when the person interviewing you is talking, make sure to nod and show that you are listening to them so that they understand that you are serious about getting the job.

5. Be aware of body language

Job Interview

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This goes for being aware of your own body language and the person who is interviewing you. You may not realize it, but body language is something that the person who is interviewing you will notice and pay close attention to. And when you're nervous, it's very easy to lose track of the body language that you are conveying to the person interviewing you. Make sure that you are not fidgeting your hands or doing something that may be distracting. Show that you are enthusiastic about receiving the job you are being interviewed for and try to be confident during the interview.

In addition, pay attention to the body language of the person interviewing you to see if they are interested in hiring you. If you find them nodding their head or asking you more questions than usual, then this is a good sign that they are interested in what you have to say.

6. Try to be honest


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Never try to lie during your interview. This is often a huge mistake that a lot of people looking for a part-time job will make. Try to be as honest as you can during your interview. If you don't have any experience or you are not able to work during a certain time, then be honest. Hiring managers can tell if you are lying, and if they don't they will after they look at your resume. They also appreciate it if you are honest, and it's one thing that will stand out to them during your interview.

7. Be flexible


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When you are being shown a schedule for when you can work, try to be flexible with your work hours. The more flexible you are, the more likely you will be hired. People who are looking to hire someone love seeing if the person they are interviewing will be flexible with working hours. This is especially true for part-time job managers who are often looking for an employee to be flexible for working different shifts. However, as stated previously, if you can't work a certain time, then you should make sure to mention this, but also try not to be too rigid with what time you can work.

8. If you don't have experience, state other strengths

Job Interview


If you don't have any experience, one thing that you can do is try to state any other strengths that make up for a lack of experience. For example, state strengths such as time management, organization, commitment or social skills. If you've ever volunteered for anything, make sure you focus on mentioning the skills or experience you've gained from this. You can also mention any experience from school or clubs that you have participated in during school. Whatever it is, make sure that you are focusing on mentioning something that will make up for any lack of experience.

9. Make sure to show interest

Job Interview


When you are being interviewed for a job, you need to show the person hiring you that you are interested in the work. Focus on why you would like to be hired for the job and discussing why the job is important to you. If you don't show any interest, then the person hiring you will think that you won't care about getting the job and will be less likely to hire you.

10. Get to the interview on time

Job Interview

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This is one of the most important things to keep in mind when you are going to be interviewed for any type of job. You cannot be late to the interview! Not only does this suggest to the person who is looking to hire you that you aren't interested in the job, but it also suggests that being late is a normal occurrence for you that they can expect when you begin working the job. It's one of the first huge setbacks that can prevent you from being hired. If you can, try to get to the interview a few minutes early.

As you can see, job interviews are one of the most important components to getting a part-time job. They are often nerve-wracking and stressful for anyone, even those who have experience with getting interviewed for a job. Getting a part-time job can be difficult. However, if you follow these tips, you'll avoid making any unnecessary mistakes during your job interview.

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