Doane University is definitely a unique college experience. There are many quirks and perks of living in our own little community of Tigers, so here are 25 things you may know if you go to Doane.
1. Lied has the comfortable napping couches while the basement of the library has the most quiet napping couch setup.
2. Smith Hall residents apparently don’t know how to make popcorn.
Fire drills at 10 at night in our pajamas were not in the brochure. However, it always makes for good Snapchat stories.
3. Bees? Bees.
They take over the trashcans and I do my civic duty of not littering anyway. The moral lessons are in the details, folks.
4. The baby turtles in the lake by Smith Hall are kind of adorable when they sunbathe.
My roommate will be late to dinner occasionally because "the smallest one was out today" and he had to watch him.
5. There are people who look good in orange.
I am not one of these people.
6. Doane is haunted, apparently.
Ask any upperclassman and they’ll tell you all about the woman who roams the Con.
7. If it rains, there are inevitably some students running around in the mud.
Just try to learn from me and not do this in the middle of a tornado warning. Sorry, Mom!
8. Don’t do laundry on Sundays.
Everyone is going to try to do this, and it’s a good way to end up with wet clothes and no dryer.
9. Greek week as an independent looks a little different, but it’s amazing to see the groups welcome their new members.
Just try not to pee your pants if you’re walking back from Haddix at night and hear yelling; everything is totally okay.
10. The library is magically busier than it’s ever been two weeks before finals.
Why yes, this is my fourth cup of coffee, do we have a problem?
11. No, the person before you didn’t forget to flush.
The water is just that color sometimes.
12. If you have class in the upper level of Communications during the afternoon, you’re probably going to hear a flute or singing solo of some sort.
It’s soothing and also has almost put me to sleep more than once.
13. In the middle of the night it legitimately sounds like someone is skydiving off of their bunk bed and I am worried for their safety.
Maybe this was just my room, but are you okay up there?
14. Stop Day is kind of amazing, especially when Nathan Erickson brings the savage comments at the talent show.
The sociology major part of me is so proud.
15. The swans have an agenda to take over the campus.
Yes, they are beautiful majestic water gazelles, but they also want to ruin our lives by standing in our way and looking menacing.
16. Our resumes are pretty great, because we’re involved in everything.
It also means we never sleep, because sleep is for the weak… except it’s not and we’re all crying inside.
17. There is always an opportunity for candy, social awareness, entertainment or puppies.
You either will encounter candy at the beige desk, singers in Common Grounds, social justice warriors being badass everywhere or puppies by Nurse Kelly’s office. It’s like Disneyland for college students.
18. It's a gorgeous campus, and it's hard not to pick the flowers.
19. I understand there are reasons for why the air conditioner isn’t on for some of the first and last hot days of the summer, but I am sweaty and angry.
20. Snow days are next level at Doane University.
If you happen to be outside of the quads when we get the infamous email, someone has a vuvuzela and everyone else is running around cheering. It’s fine.
21. Signing up for classes is stressful and I have cried every year, but we have a great staff to help us out.
22. We’re new to the university life, so we’ll probably continue to say Doane College for at least a couple years.
23. Some of us have joined a swim team.
No, we don’t have a formal swim team. You’ll figure it out eventually if you come here.
24. Doane does it best; we have amazing theater productions, sporting events, choir/band concerts and all of the other great clubs and activities are very snazzy.
I am so thankful for the people I am already friends with and the new connections to come.