What Each Virginia Tech Freshman Year Dorm Is Like
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What The Virginia Tech Dorm You Call Home Says About Your Personality

They say dorm assignments are random, but fate has a way of working its way onto your dorm assignment, nevertheless

virginia tech freshman dorms

Whether you got the Dorm you wanted or just randomly got put into one, here is what fate is saying about you based on where you live freshman year.

Pritchard Hall

Pritchard Hall


Call me biased, but this hall is one of the best. People who live here are always fun & outgoing. It might not be air conditioned, but it is the largest residence hall on Virginia Tech Campus. You are guaranteed to make friends living here and have an amazing on-campus experience.

Lee Hall

Lee Hall


As known for being the engineering dorm, students in Lee might be slightly mentally unstable, but they take everything seriously. Whether that is their schoolwork or having fun, they know how to get it done.

Peddrew-Yates Hall



This high fluent suite-style residence hall is definitely one of the nicest dorms on campus. People here usually love fun and lively students who love running to DX in the middle of the night for midnight snacks.

New Hall Residence Hall East

New Residence Hall East


This dorm is like the forgotten, middle child. Being a mirror image of Peddrew-Yates, it is nice to live in but has not been renamed yet so, people tend to not know where it is at all.

Cochrane Hall



Cochran is known for two things: athletes and West End. Being close to the McCommas gym, Cochran is the place to be for people who are athletic and then like to go eat some of the best food on campus at West End Dining Hall.

Harper Hall

Harper Hall


Despite being one of the nicer places to live, Harper is home to more international students and students who requested to stay on campus throughout breaks. With this being said, if you want a cultural experience and a dorm life that is always interesting....this is the place to be.

Newman Hall

Newman Hall


Newman is one of those dorms that more people forgets about even though it is in eyesight of the Chick-Fa-La on campus. This is the dorm people usually don't chose to live in but once you are there, you eat from Owens dining hall way too often.

Payne Hall



Payne is literally a huge dorm in the middle of the residential side of campus. Home to the leadership community, residents here are often outgoing and ready to make friends within the suite.

Barringer Hall



ALL MALE - aka a sweat locker that has no air conditioning. Apparently, the bathrooms are kind of nice but I'm guessing that only lasts for about 2 days after move in. I guess some say it is like living in a huge frat that you didn't have to pledge and you have no real loyalty to.

Miles Hall

Miles Hall


Another ALL MALE - and this isn't any better than the last. Tell your moms to buy you guys some Glade Plug-ins please because I can smell the body odor down the street

Johnson Hall

Johnson Hall


ALL GIRLS - Some people do request to live here but most of the time girls get pulled into this hall to fill up the empty rooms. This hall will forever have drama and you want to avoid spending too much time here unless you want your cycle to sync up with a hundred other girls. Other than that this dorm is perfect for gossiping, having girl's nights in, and spa days.

Main/East Campbell Hall

East Cam


Being by the drill field definitely has it's perks. These dorms are also by the other on campus gym, War Memorial Hall, so if you like to exercises without air conditioning, this is the place for you.

Slusher Tower



Yeah it is a nice view to be living in an eleven floor hall, but there also is no air conditioning and like two and a half elevators since people always mess them up. On the other hand, Slusher is a great place to meet friends and you will build up a tolerance to stay in a sauna 24/7 by the end of your first semester!

Slusher Wing

You probably have a great sense of style by living in Slusher Wing. I mean the dorm has carpet on the walls so.....

East/West Ambler Johnson Halls

West AJ


These two are more or less equal. Home to the honors college, residents can feel the aura around this building to be stellar whether that is in their studies or in their social life. Everyone will experience these dorms at least once since they are most commonly used for housing students during orientations before Freshman Year.

Vawter Hall



Despite the fact that no one really knows how to say "Vawter" the right way, this dorm is in a sweet spot. It is on the perfect location on campus for easy access to the library, Chick-Fil-a, or Downtown Blacksburg. Everyone in this dorm knows a good time for sure.

Main/West Eggleston

Main Eggleston


Located on the Drill Field and without air conditioning, these two residence Halls were formerly used to house Cadets. Now they are just for civilians and have a prime location for viewing the Drill Field

East Eggleston

East Eggleston


Even though this was the last of the Eggleston Dorms to be established it is like the spoiled first born child in all of the Eggleston Halls were siblings. This dorm has prime location being right by, Chick-Fa-La, the Library, and the Drill Field. The rooms might be a little smaller than the other Eggleston Dorms, but this one has air conditioning so I think it evens out.

O'Shaughnessy Hall



Previously, O'Shag wall a little drab to live in compared to the spunky people that resided in this hall. Now being newly renovated, this hall without a doubt will be the next popping place sitting straight across from the social house that is Pritchard.

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