I'm generally a very patient person. Sometimes. Occasionally. Well, okay. Maybe not. There are some things that really annoy me, and I know I'm not alone in these annoyances. Here are some things that can really, REALLY get on my nerves:
1. Broken Bendy Straws.
When I was sipping on my soda I noticed that I wasn't getting any soda in my mouth. What? I looked down at my straw and saw this giant tear right down the center. Ugh. No. Stop.
2. Crying babies on planes.
I don't really think I need to go in depth for this one. Let's just say on each flight for my Spring Break vacation my best friend and I sat very close to babies who really, really did not want to be on that plane. Not only did I feel incredibly sorry for the baby because they kept crying, but my empathy was battling with my inner frustration because all I wanted to do was nap.
3. People who are rude to waitstaff.
Okay, why. This past weekend I was sitting by a woman in a really nice restaurant who was so rude to the waiter. I couldn't believe it. She even snapped her fingers at him! As someone who used to work in a restaurant, I know that it can a be really, really hard business to be in. When we left I tipped the waiter an extremely large tip and, when walking by her table, "accidentally" bumped her chair when she was taking a sip of her drink. Hard. So she spilled. Everywhere. Whoops..?
4. People who are rude to returning active-duty military or veterans because of their misguided and misinformed opinions.
Okay, as someone who grew up with military veterans in her immediate family, I cannot stand it when people protest active soldiers or returning vets. I saw a guy walking in his uniform through the airport and a woman yelled at him, saying something about him being stupid because he was fighting at pointless war. Okay, no. First, in the words of one of my personal heroes Chris Kyle, "we don't choose to start the war. We just go where you send us." Have. Some. Respect. These men lay down their lives, quite literally in many cases, so that we can live ours. Get off your high horse. (stepping off soap box)
5. People who talk in movie theaters.
Okay, I paid upwards of ten dollars to view this incredibly dramatized movie, and so did you. Movie theaters are quiet and dark for a reason. We want to hear the characters talk, not you. Hush.
6. Individuals who only talk about themselves, regardless of the circumstance or conversation.
We all know the type. Those who always revert the conversation back to something like "oh when I did this" or "I know what you mean! When *so and so* happened to me.." While I completely understand that the way people learn and engage in many conversations is through personal experience and opinion, that does not mean that the conversation should revolve completely around them. Stop it.
7. Broken phone chargers.
The struggle of having to hold the charger in just the right spot is not a hardship I would wish on anyone.
8. People who post incredibly personal messages/pictures/stories on their various newsfeeds to get attention.
I'm not talking about those spectacular weight-loss photos or the brilliant journeys of those who overcome mental illness - I love those. You guys are my heroes. I'm talking about the people who post incredibly intimate details about their relationships/bodily functions/family drama on the world wide web. People, do you not understand that EVERY ONE ON THE PLANET WHO HAS ACCESS TO THE INTERNET can see and read your infoblasts?!
Do you really want a future employer to know all about that incredibly awful fight with your parents or your inner-relationship drama? That is incredibly unprofessional and juvenile. Take that stuff off the Internet and keep it relegated only to your personal life and your inner circle of friends and family. Seriously. We're not 12 anymore.
9. Those guys/gals who are always cracking really obnoxious jokes in class who really aren't that funny and actually just make you mad.
You know the people. They think they're the class comedian when, actually, we all want them to be quiet because their comments make us uncomfortable.
10. When you're in a ridiculously long line and, when you finally get to the front, the person in front of you still doesn't know what they want.
Dude, you had about fifteen minutes to look over the menu. I'd like to place my order before my 80th birthday, please.
11. When you've been talking to someone for a while and all of the sudden.. radio silence.
Okay, if you don't want to talk anymore, that's fine. Just be an adult about it.
Well, that concludes my rant. Happy trails, readers.