16 Things To Look Forward To In 2016
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16 Things To Look Forward To In 2016

Can’t wait to ring in the New Year with all the “New year, new me” Instagram captions...

16 Things To Look Forward To In 2016

As 2015 comes to a close, we look at back at all those things that made the year so unique. Whether it was the welcoming of Caitlyn Jenner, the legalization of gay marriage, the fact that Donald Trump is currently the front-runner of the GOP primary (scary, I know), or the frightening terror attacks and threats around the world, I think it is safe to say that 2015 was one hell of year.

But, not to worry, 2016 has some exciting things in store! Here are 16 of the many highly anticipated events of the year:

1. United States Presidential Election

The 45th President of the United States will be elected on Nov. 8th. And, if Hillary Clinton wins the race, this election will make Hillary the the first female president!

This also means there’s only four more years until #Kanye2020.

2. SNL Presidential Election Sketches

It’s the only fun part about the elections. I mean, really, is there anything better than Larry David as Bernie Sanders?

3. 2016 Summer Olympics in Brazil

Get ready to release your inner patriotism because from Aug. 5th through the 21st the U.S. will be competing against 205 countries from around the world in the biggest sporting event on the planet.

Fun fact: This the first Olympic Games to be hosted in South America!

4. Adele's World Tour

Most famously asked by Drake, ”Is that a world tour or your girl’s tour?” Well,it's finally my girl Adele's tour!

I’m rolling in a deep puddle made of my own tears of joy right now.

5. "Finding Dory"

After too many years of advertising, Pixar’s “Finding Dory” will finally be released in June 17th.

Will Dory ever find her parents?

6. New seasons of Netflix, Amazon Prime and HBO specials will be released.

A new year means newly released full seasons of so many shows popular series. Personally, I can’t wait to set aside a weekend to binge watch "House of Cards," "Orange Is the New Black," "The Unbreakable Kimmy Schmidt," and "Transparent."

7. Nasa's Juno will land on Jupiter

Launched from Cape Canaveral Air Force Station on August 5, 2011, Juno is NASA’s New Frontiers mission to Jupiter. The $1.1 billion spacecraft is supposed to arrive on Jupiter on July 4, 2016.

8. Release of iPhone 7

Can’t wait to trade in the new iPhone 6 that I got for Christmas to get a phone that’s only slightly better, just because everyone else it doing it!

Maybe this year they’ll at least improve the USB cords. (Probably not, but one can dream.)

9. The El Niño

Shoutout to the true homie El Niño for the mild winter weather in the Northeast (even though we didn’t have a white Christmas).

10. "Fuller House"

Highly anticipated by all “'90s kids,” the show will be released on Netflix and will follow the lives of three members of the "Full House" cast: DJ and Stephanie Tanner, and their best friend Kimmie. "Full House" stars John Stamos and Bob Saget are expected to make cameos.

Release Date: Feb. 26th

11. Tesla Model 3

ATTENTION ALL CAR FANATICS (and Tesla followers): It has been confirmed that the Tesla 3 model will be unveiled in March 2016. In hopes of competing with the BMW 3 series, Tesla Motors is aiming for an affordable $35,000 base price (or at least more affordable when compared to the other models). Only 20% smaller than the Model S, the Model 3 will be half the price.

Although production of the car will not begin until 2017, pre-order will be made available in 2016.

12. The last remaining troops will return from Afghanistan by Dec. 31, 2016.

After 15 long years, all troops deployed will finally return home.

13. The Final Season of American Idol

I didn’t even know they were still recording new seasons. The last time I watched American Idol was when David Archuleta was robbed of the winning title (David Cook walked away with the “Idol” title)

14. A Pill to Prevent Sunburns

It's an Irish girl’s dream! Finally, I can avoid the tomato burns, put away the aloe vera, and actually enjoy the sunny days spent outdoors.

15. First Space Hotel Opens

Orbital Technologies Commercial Space Station, an orbital space station, has a planned launch for 2016. This will be the first space hotel used for commercial use. The hotel will accommodate seven passengers in four separate cabins. But, just heads up, there will be no running water..

16. It’s a Leap Year!

An especially exciting year for all those born on February 29th, who are only able to properly celebrate their birthday once every four years.

Hopefully Leap Day William will make appearance at my college this year so I can trade my tears for candy! (Believe it or not, college causes a lot of tears.)

So, regardless of how 2015 went, January 1st is fresh start! Good luck!

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