With the results of the election disappointing many of us, it's hard not to think about what our future will be like with Trump as president. Although this may be one of the few things that everybody is discussing, despite our political views, we need to welcome this change with open arms and move on with our lives. What we're experiencing is a change that won't last forever and is something that will leave us all incredibly happy when it's over. In the meantime, here's a list of things that I'd much rather do than let this recent election get the best of me.
1. Blast this song a million times for the world to hear.
I'd rather play music for everyone to hear than deal with everyone protesting and yelling at one another.
2. Focus on myself and where I'll be with my life within the next year.
Just because Trump will be the new president does not mean that I will allow that to control my entire life. I have things to do and other things to worry about besides the new president.
3. Make sure I get some sleep each night.
Sleep is one of the few answers to everything and allows me to escape some of the ignorance that is currently present within society these days.
4. Make it through this semester all together in a singular piece.
I'm not going to let a result of something ruin my academic life more than I've already ruined it.
5. Walk around in the freezing cold without a winter jacket on.
I'd rather freeze my ass off than hear one more bitch-fest about how people are not content with the results of the election.
6. Play hide and seek with my 31 pound pure-bred Bengal cat outside in a huge park.
I have a cat named Spock. Spock doesn't like to move, let alone going outside. The only time that Spock likes moving would be when it's for food, using his litter box, sitting somewhere where he probably shouldn't be to begin with, or sleeping. The fact that I'd rather risk losing him in a park than beat myself up over this election says something major about how little care I have over it.
7. Hula hoop to this song in City Hall Park for so long that I'll have no energy left in me.
I just need a hula hoop and for people to not stare at me as if I'm a psychopath when doing this.
8. Do the macarena with each and every one of my professors in hopes that it'll get them to like me.
I just want my professors to know that I'm not a boring person, and if that means having to do the macarena with them, I'm 100% down for it.
9. Eat a hamburger.
I absolutely hate hamburgers, and you'll never catch me eating one -- but with how this election is being perceived by everyone, I might just actually put one of these disgusting, cow meat filled concoctions in my mouth -- maybe.
10. Give up on wearing all black clothing all day every day.
For those that have seen me around, you have probably seen me wearing all black clothing from head to toe on a daily basis -- and no, I'm not wearing the same one shirt and same pair of leggings each day. I have at least 8 to 10 black v neck tee shirts from American Apparel and 20+ pairs of black leggings from Victoria's Secret in addition to multiple black hoodies from American Apparel. The thought of me even giving up on my "uniform" is scary, but I'd do that any day than let this election get to me.
11. Give up my daily Starbucks orders.
Caffeine's my right hand at almost all times, and is the reason why I do anything. I'm almost always drinking a venti cool lime refresher with lemonade or a venti green tea latte. Giving up on either drink sounds much more appealing than allowing the election bother me.
12. Track down the artists of the street art from New York's streets that I post on my Instagram account.
Would this make me a super fan or a super creep? Don't know, but either way, it's ridiculous, which is how many of you are being as a result of this election.
13. Stare at the view by the Staten Island Ferry in hopes of change for some people and their ignorance.
As if a view of something has the ability to speak and change how society is.
14. Live the rest of my life without wearing any makeup.
I'd rather look like I got ran over by a train than write up an ignorant post on Facebook regarding this election.
15. Cancel my Spotify premium subscription.
A life without music may be a sad life, but I'd rather live a sad life than be bothered by this election.
16. Eat salads for every meal for the rest of my life.
Salads may be lame, but at least I'll be eating super healthy.
17. Give up on riding the subway and literally walk everywhere.
I'd rather walk my feet off than vocalize my thoughts and opinions just to be attacked by ignorant people along with their thoughts.
18. Never sleep with a pillow ever again.
I'll make something work.
19. Never have a thought about rosé gummy bears ever again.
If I had to give up thinking about something as a result of not letting this election bother me, the thoughts that I have regarding rosé gummy bears will have to stop.
20. Sell everything I own and be left with absolutely nothing.
Ridiculous, right? Well, that's how most people are being over this election.