Everyone probably knows what the “R Word” is and if you don’t, you definitely live under a rock. The word is retard. Even writing this word makes me cringe because of how vulgar it sounds. Until recently, it did not seem like the word retard was prevalent in colloquial language. Given that retard used to be a medical term for a mentally challenged person in the twentieth century, it was somewhat acceptable to use it to describe a person, almost like using the word schizophrenic today. When retard was deemed inappropriate (or “not PC” as many of us like to say) as a term to describe a medical condition, the word took on a whole other meaning.
The dictionary definition of the word retard as a noun is a mentally handicapped person and as a verb is to delay or hold back in terms of progress, development, or accomplishment. Retard is most often used as an adjective or a noun: many people say “Oh, that’s retarded,” or “He’s so retarded, I can’t believe he said that!” but neither of these statements is really okay to use at all. Retard is still associated with people who have mental disorders (often in a negative manner) even though it is not acceptable anymore. People who use the word retard in their everyday vocabulary, especially teenagers, think they’re cool or a part of the “in crowd” if they’re the big man on the block, but in reality, they can only come up with these vulgarities because they do not use their own brains. Although teenagers and occasionally younger children are usually the worst offenders when it comes to using the word retard, plenty of adults also feel that it is okay to say as well.
No matter your age, race, religion, or gender, it is never acceptable to use a word so derogatory to refer to another person. A recent campaign titled “ Stop the Word to End the Word ” is making strides in eliminating the R-word, especially from schools. The goal of the campaign is to use people-first language that aims at treating every single person respectfully. March 1 is R-Word Awareness Day; in the past, participants have made and held signs protesting the use of the R-word and explaining its effects on those who are the recipients of this verbiage. Often times, the R-word is used as a form of bullying and its negative effects are lasting for many children, especially for those who suffer from some sort of mental or physical disorder.
If you feel you want to say the R-word, that is your prerogative, but know that most people will not defend your language. More and more people are becoming aware of the harmful effects of the word retard and are beginning to recognize the significance of stopping others from saying it as well. If you hear the word being used, you should say something. Being a bystander does not help anyone. Language has a large effect on how we see others and by using appropriate, acceptable language, we as a society can learn little by little how to accept and love others for who they really are, not for who they appear to be. It sounds corny, but love really is what makes the world go round and by taking a small step to stop the word retard in its tracks, we can hopefully make a difference in making the world a little less harsh. Spread love, not hate friends.