7. Luther Hargreeves - Physical Education/Sports Management | The Odyssey Online
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'Umbrella Academy' Characters As College Majors

Are you treating this semester like Klaus or Diego?

'Umbrella Academy' Characters As College Majors

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This show. Netflix choosing to adapt Gerard Way's comic into real life was TV (or binging) gold. This is not your average superhero show. It gives you a behind the scenes look at what it might be like to live the life of someone with powers. I felt like each character someone could relate to in some way. I think that is what makes a good show is when each character is complex enough to make us identify with them. Speaking of identifying, look below and see which character matches your college major!

1. Sir Reginald Hargreeves - Engineering


This man invented a talking chimp and a bionic woman all while at the same time creating a crime fighting force to save the world. Like engineering majors, he is driven and is passionate about his inventions and creations and finds new ways to make the world more efficient through technology.

2. Mom (Grace) - Hospitality


She cooks, she cleans, she deals with seven super teens going through puberty at the same time, mad respect for Mom on this show. Hospitality majors have to deal with a slew of different kind of challenges throughout their career, and they handle it with the same grace as Mom.

3. The Handler - Political Science


The Handler keeps everyone and every event organized and in place. She leads precisely and is up to date on all historical events to make time run smoothly.

4. Diego - Criminology/Criminal Justice


Diego has a tough outside, but he is always thinking about others. Most importantly, his passion is to protect the people he loves. Like Crim majors, he obviously has an affinity for justice and wanting to be a part of clearing up the crime in his town.

5. Number Five - International Studies


Number Five has been just about everywhere, and he's got the attitude of your friend who just got back from their abroad trip from Spain.

6. Allison Hargreeves - Communications


Allison is a master manipulator, like that's literally her power. She is subdue everyone in times of stress and be a strong voice and representative for the family.

7. Luther Hargreeves - Physical Education/Sports Management


Luther has super strength and loyalty. He is willing to go above and beyond to keep the family together as a team.

8. Klaus Hargreeves - Theatre Performance/Production


Klaus is not above going above and beyond to complete a mission. Whether it's traveling through time, or busting a snow globe on his head, he's ready to pull out the theatrics to save the day.

9. Vanya Hargreeves - Music Performance


Vanya slays on the violin. Although sometimes seen as the fifth Beatle of the Hargreeves family, she is super in her own way. Her music ability and dedication definitely would make her a music major.

10. Hazel - Culinary Arts


When Hazel isn't on the job, he's definitely trying every donut he can. Like Culinary Arts, he has respect for the food and understands the unique differences between every donut flavor. Same.

Cha-Cha - Business


Cha-Cha is all business. She is always trying to carry out the job as effectively and quickly as possible.

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