Everyone has “that movie” or “those movies” that will always make you laugh no matter how many times you’ve seen them. Some of us could probably recite the entire movie verbatim (I know I’m guilty of this). Have you ever stopped to think about why exactly you laugh at these films more than others? I mean, there are so many different genres of comedies but you find yourself laughing out loud at one particular style the most. You have your dry, sarcastic comedy like “Office Space”, slapstick comedy “(Insert Chris Farley movie here)”, your witty comedies like “Borat”, just to name a few. So what kind do you enjoy the most?
What made me think of this was one night I watched “Nacho Libre”, a movie starring Jack Black. For those of you who haven’t seen it, it’s set in South America where the main character (Jack Black) is a monk who wants to become a wrestler. He teams up with a local vagrant and they start on a hilarious journey trying to become professionals. The jokes themselves are really silly and there’s hardly any intellectual humor in the entire movie. I LOVE this movie and I laugh so hard every time I watch it. But certain people I’ve tried to show it to think its absolutely stupid. Which begs the question, “What exactly makes us laugh?” For me, it’s the facial expressions of the actors. When an actor delivers a ridiculous line with a completely serious face, my sides split every time. Another movie that gets me laughing every time is “Tropic Thunder”. I literally can’t hold myself together when listening to Robert Downey Jr.’s character speak. If you haven’t seen this movie then I’m just going to assume you live under a rock so I won’t bother explaining it. The absolute master of the facial expression for me though has to be Danny McBride. He’s done movies like, “Pineapple Express”, “This Is The End”, and a little HBO series called “Eastbound and Down”. He delivers every stupid, perverted, and silly line like he is 100% serious about every word and I cannot help but break out into a fit of laughter.
So take a few minutes and think about why you laugh so hard at certain movies because we all do it. Unless of course, you’re a really stuck up person in which case I’m sure you would’ve stopped reading this a long time ago. Who knows, maybe this could be a cool psychology experiment. Maybe I’m immature that’s why I like the silly comedy over the intellectual ones? Who knows. Anyways have fun with this article and at the very least I hope it made you crack a smile. Until next week…
”Bye Felicia!”-Friday