WHAT!? IT'S MIDTERMS ALREADY...!? Seriously though...where did the time go. It's time to crunch down and actually catch up on that paper you said you'd do last week, and the week before that. Oh, and that other paper and the other assignment. While you are still processing the fact that you have basically half a semester to catch up on, here are the stages of midterm stress:
1. "Isn't it September 30?"
Didn't the semester just start? Nope, it's October. Midterms are next week, or already started last week. And then in a few weeks will be Thanksgiving, and then a week after that will be FINALS. Uhh... what!?
2. "Midterms? Pshh, I don't have that much work to worry about ..."
Just kidding, yes you do but you're trying to play it cool. You've managed to avoid looking at your syllabus for the assignments you've missed up until this point. Now you have to find your darn syllabus.
3. "Soo, half of my professors haven't even scheduled when our midterm is ... HOW AM I SUPPOSED TO PREPARE!?"
It's almost funny how unprepared some professors are for midterms just like you are. Some professors are still deciding whether or not to have a midterm. MAKE UP YOUR MIND. Let the emotional roller coaster begin.
4. "WOO four day weekend!! So much time to catch up!"
The weekend ends and you didn't do diddly squat. You were sure you were gonna get down to business. Guess not.
5. "I'll pretend that I did the assignments and maybe my professor won't notice."
You're doomed.
6. *Buys a pack of Starbucks double shot espresso drinks to chug within five minutes*
You tell yourself, "I'll be fine, I might die, but I'll be fine." You have to be your own cheerleader to make sure you get stuff done. But also cry to yourself when the caffeine wears off.
7. "What is sleep?"
You're thankful if you get to bed by 4 a.m. You can hear your bed mocking you. Your goal is to not see the sunrise.
8. *Freaking out because it feels like you're the only one freaking out*
9. "I'm gonna fail! I've got this. NOPE, I'M GONNA FAIL. Why am I worrying so much?"
*Questions why you take this class, why you chose this major, why you're at this school, and what you're doing with your life*
"What is life?"
10. *Eyes start to droop* "I'll just get up extra early and study before class."
Oversleeps and barely makes it to the exam. You haven't ran this fast since the last time you were late for an exam.
11. It's over. There's no turning back, and now you anxiously wait for your midterm grades.
MIDTERMS ARE OVER WITH. You're relieved for about 10 minutes, but now you have finals to worry about. Great.