Most of my friends sadly no longer have their Grandparents. I however am lucky to have both sets of my grandparents. I am also lucky enough to have a great relationship with my Grandfather, Marvin Lee Gustavision. In the nineteen years I have been alive, I have encountered my fair share of hardships. No matter what seems to be going on in my life, I know I can count on my grandpa to listen to me. He does so without judgement and with an open heart and open ears. He waits until I am completely finished with whatever I am talking about, and then he gives feedback. He also has been one of my biggest supporters, next to my grandmother, Joann Gustavison. Most people, when they first meet him might think he is just a crabby old fart. I, however, know that he is just a big teddy bear who loves unconditionally.
When ever I need to get away from my parents and sisters I go over to my grandparents house, and while my grandmother is at work my grandfather and I just hang out watching movies, or NCIS, or The Big Bang Theory. We also go to our favorite place, The Pasta House, and have dinner, just the two of us. That might not seem like much to most people, but it is a great feeling to be able to get the full attention of someone, especially a family member. You can always count on them to love you, and give you the best advice they can. I am forever grateful to my grandpa for always being there, and and understanding. For the most part, I have a hard time trusting and opening up to people, but with my grandpa it is relatively easy. We all have that one person we can go to, for some it is a parent, or a close friend or maybe even a cousin, but for me it is my grandfather.
My grandfather has always been extremely proud of all the things that I have accomplished. Even with a bum knee, he came up for family weekend and walked around the entire campus with me. Anybody who walks around SEMO knows there are a lot of stairs and hills so it is not easy to get around. But he did it anyway, because I was so excited to show him and my grandma around the campus. My grandfather would do just about anything for me that I needed. Everyone has their person they go to for absolutely everything, and that person for me happens to be my grandfather. I tell him all the exciting news that is happening in my life, a lot of the time before everyone else does. I am honestly not sure what I would do without him, I am telling you now - it would be extremely difficult. Everyone has their person, and I hope everyone can find theirs like I found my grandpa.