What Is The Fine Print Of Socialism?
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What Is The Fine Print Of Socialism?

Is Socialism really all it's cracked up to be?

What Is The Fine Print Of Socialism?

"We are socialists, we are enemies of today’s capitalistic economic system for the exploitation of the economically weak, with its unfair salaries, with its unseemly evaluation of a human being according to wealth and property instead of responsibility and performance, and we are all determined to destroy this system under all conditions” - Adolf Hitler, 1927

Socialism is defined by Wikipedia as "a theory or system of social organization that advocates the vesting of the ownership and control of the means of production and distribution of capital, land, etc., in the community as a whole" or in today's terms... "I'm breathing, give me free stuff".

I'd like to tip my hat to senator Bernie Sanders, honestly. He really tapped into the anger college students feel with the extremely high prices of tuition across the country, promising "free" college for everyone in return for your vote. But is socialism really free? Is it really all equally distributed puppies and rainbows like its cracked up to be?

First I want to be clear, college would not be free under senator Bernie Sanders's plans. We would all have to pay one way or another. I feel as if some voters like socialism because of their jealousy to the top one percent more so than the sympathy for the bottom percentage. They want equality of outcome over equality of opportunity. What this means is if you worked hard for your $10 and I didn't, we should both have $5 even though you earned that money and I did not. Also, it's still immoral to forcibly take from someone, even if it's voted on. If you were to gather ten people in a room, and nine of them vote to steal from the odd man out who voted for capitalism, that is not morally acceptable. But that is socialism.

My opinion is socialism is not morally acceptable, and would never work in the United States.

If you look for countries who follow socialistic principles, Norway may be a top example you may find. But I'll cut the boring numbers and get straight to the facts, comparing Norway and the U.S. is comparing apples to oranges. Norway is not a world superpower. The population of Norway is 3.2 million compared to the U.S.'s 321 million. This would be like comparing an NFL defensive linemen to a spoiled first grader. Also Norway has it's fair share of problems, just like every country.

The United States would not prosper in the long run as a socialist country. According to the latest World Bank figures, the U.S. has the largest economy in the world, by far actually, at $18 trillion. This share represents 24.3% of the global economy, followed by China at 14.84% and Japan at 5.9%. Oh... and Norway is at... 0.52%. The United States supplies the world so well because of its booming economy and base of world suppliers like Apple and Microsoft. These great companies did not become great with the mindset of letting revenue slide by with huge tax increases, they would do what Burger King did under the Obama administration and set up base in another country with better tax benefits.

Let's be honest we all want an education to make money, right? Like as much money as we can get. We'd love to be in the top one percent if all possible. So my question to Bernie voters is... Are you just hoping to get college paid for but not pay out more money in expenses over your life time?

But luckily you can get your education free by working hard and earning scholarships! Or you can even get tough and do your time serving in the military. Unless of course you wanted to get free education without doing anything... My advice would be to work hard in high school and earn those scholarships. Toughen up and get a part time job, take out the loans like everyone has to do and earn a degree through hard work that will pay those remaining loans back. You'll feel better knowing you worked hard and earned the degree... honestly. I'm sorry to be the one to break this to you but that's life, the world doesn't owe you anything. So don't protest, go get a job and get to work. Oh... and facts don't care about your feelings.

~ Inspiration from Ben Shapiro (@Benshapiro)

~ Hitler Quote from: http://thelibertarianrepublic.com/7-quotes-prove-adolf-hitler-proud-socialist/6/#ixzz4eZU2qM00

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