I am French.
All I knew about the United States was what I watched in American shows.
And more than often in the shows, they referenced Girl's Scout cookies. And I am like, "okay, people like to buy stuff from little girls." #weird
And I thought it was just another American cliché (you know, like cheeseburgers.)
So a couple of months ago, when the Girl's scout season came, I was pretty surprised to see how my boyfriend reacted when he saw Girl Scouts selling cookies on the street.
His reaction? Mhm. How could I describe it to you?
My boyfriend is a calm person. He is not a party guy (and neither am I), he doesn't listen to music too loud, he doesn't laugh or speak too loud. He is not a loud guy.
So that day when I was driving and he was in the passenger seat, he suddenly shouted, "Oh my god, Girls Scout Cookie are back!!" He doesn't sound really funny right now, but picture a drug addict's joy after he finally drugs up after months and months of sobriety.
And he called all his family (parents and brother) to warn them.
And I said to myself, "maybe, the Girls Scout Cookies are not just an American legend? Maybe, it's real."
I came back to my boyfriend's house a few days later, and being someone that is particularly obsessed with good food, I knew something was different.
Yes. It smelled like cookies (yes, I have the ability of smelling cookies.)
Just to clarify something: I make the best cookies in the world. We all know someone that says "my grandmother/mother makes the best cookies," but no, stop saying that, because I am the only person you'll meet that can make the best cookies ever. (Even if it is my boyfriend's mom recipe ahah.)
I love food, and I am an adventurer. Picture me as a fat Indiana Jones that doesn't focus on archeology, but rather on food-ology (so proud of this joke right now.)
Even if I knew my cookies were the best, I had to hurt myself and try these "famous" cookies. Why? I think I am a masochist. Or just really really fat. I can't decide.
The Samoas Cookies: biscuit coated with chocolate, coconut, and caramel.
My reaction?
Yes, there is a god, and this god is a cookie.
All this time in the darkness, I can finally see the light. I can see the truth.
So dear Cookies, I've decided to track every single one of your kind and eat you. I don't know what cookies aspire to be, and I don't know if it is your destiny to be eaten.
But it doesn't matter anymore: I will find you. And I will eat you.
You can laugh, but my boyfriend actually got scared and asked me --after reading this little comics-- "You won't become like that, right?" #asshole
And to finish, this little video, one of many that rose the Girl's Scout cookie legend for me: