It has finally come to be that time of year again that every college student has been dreading -- finals week. This is definitely the most stressful time of the year, and it really blows because we all want to think about all of the great things coming up like seeing our families, traveling, the holidays, bringing in the New Year, and all the wonderful things in between. But to our dismay we are forced to put our holiday cheer on pause while we tread through these trying weeks.
I think one of the most difficult parts about finals week that is overall annoying is finding the perfect place to study. Of course our rooms are way to comforting or messy to even think about studying, so we are forced to go out into the chilly weather to find a more calming place. The library is always practically impossible, and personally only stresses me out even more unless I have a study room. Almost every table on every floor is completely filled with people, or there is always that annoying one person who takes up like six person table all themselves. If by chance you find a place in the library, it never has a calming atmosphere. If you look around everyone's face is filled with unknown anxiety that creates the tension in the air. And of course you always have the people who are slowly going delusional from lack of sleep, so of course they are making the most noise, which only disrupts you from getting all of your studying done. Basically the library will most likely only make you crankier than you already are this week.
Finally you're final option is to go somewhere that you've never really tried out as your study place. Maybe this place is your local Panera, Starbucks, or even in the Student Union on your college campus. I would personally recommend a food place because you most likely will be there all day long, so why not pick a place with possible comfortable booths and delicious food? Overall, once you are settled into the perfect place you are finally there for good and can begin your endless hours of cramming.
One of the worst but also best points everyone gets to during finals week is that time period where you have nothing left to do. Rather it is because your exams are extremely spread out during the week, or you have literally done all your work and have studied to your full extent, we all the "I have nothing left to do moment". Do not get me wrong this is one of the best things that can happen during a week like finals, but you almost feel as though the universe is playing a cruel joke on you. You just sit around all day not even able to relax and waiting for more schoolwork to appear.
So get out there students! Study your butts off and let this be a rewarding time for you rather than a stressful time. After all of this testing is finally over with go home, crawl into bed, and sleep for like five days because you all deserve it!