The Awesome Things You Can Do With Foods We Normally Throw Out
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The Awesome Things You Can Do With Foods We Normally Throw Out

You can do *what* with a banana peel?!

The Awesome Things You Can Do With Foods We Normally Throw Out
Fox News

A few weeks ago, I went to visit one of my friends who lived in Queens. For those of you who have never been to Queens, it’s one of those places where you will find food from almost every culture and some cultures I found has interesting ways of cooking their food. They would use parts of animals and even parts of vegetables I didn’t even know could be used. When we cook dinner and clear off our dinner plates, I think most of us just don’t know that half the food we are throwing out can actually be used. I was surprised to find out in the garden at the summer camp I work at that dandelions are actually edible. Surprisingly almost every food we throw out has its use. Here are some of those common foods we overlook.

1.Egg Shells

Eggs are commonly known as a great source of protein, but did you know they can be an excellent source of calcium as well? Most of the time when we make ourselves eggs for breakfast, we just toss the egg shells out-- but the shells of an egg can have just as many health benefits as the yolks and whites inside them. One thing I read about is that egg shells can be turned into a calcium powder since they are made up of 90 percent calcium. To do this all you have to do is boil the shells in order to kill all the bacteria left inside them, let them dry, and then blend them into a powder. This Powder is good to use in all kinds of things including smoothies. Some health stores even sell it as a calcium supplement that helps promote strong and healthy bones.

2.Orange and Lemon Peels

Often when we eat oranges or make lemonade, we toss the peels out. But did you know that the peels of any citrus fruit can also be tuned into a delicious treat? Last summer, when I went over my neighbor's house, she showed me how to make candied orange and lemon peels. The process is pretty simple too and the ingredients to make it are commonly found in most households. All you need is sugar and water. There are many different recipes for this treat you can look up, but most of them you can have your treat by the end of the day. On top of this, citrus peels can also be used to clean things with.

3.Banana Peels

That’s right! Banana peels have way more uses than being the one thing a character will trip in cartoons from the 50’s and 60’s. Believe it or not, banana peels can do things like repair scratched CD’s and even whiten teeth. To repair a scratched CD: rub the white side of the banana peel where the scratch is on the CD, next, wipe the residue off with a soft cloth and spray with glass cleaner. To whiten teeth: rub the white side of the peel on your teeth. This will remove any stains and plaque without removing the enamel.

4.Peanut Shells

Most of us who eat peanuts find peanut shells to be just those annoying things that make it harder to get to the actual nut. Actually, the shell of a peanut has it’s uses too. Ever wanted to grill something on a barbecue and didn’t have charcoal around? Well, peanut shells could actually serve the same purpose. To add to its uses, peanut shells can be used to help keep hardwood floors clean. The oils in the shell act as a shiner to wood.

5. Watermelon Rinds

Although the inner part of a watermelon is the most delicious part, the rinds are edible as well. In fact, they are not much different from what cucumbers. Many cultures use watermelon rinds in things like Curry and Chutney. Some have talked about being able to pickle it and sometimes candy it. Being too plain in flavor, we will discard a watermelon rind as something inedible, but in reality it will take on and even enhance whatever flavor you add to it whether it's sweet or salty.

6.Carrot Tops

Usually when we add carrots to food, we cut the tops off as if they weren't useful, but many don't know that they can be added to almost any cooked dish. Carrot tops can be used in almost any kind of cooked salad and they are commonly used in a lot of medeteranian dishes. They add a pop of flavor to almost anything and, like most greens, are high in iron as well as calcium.

These are just some of the things you can do with these foods we normally throw out. There are many more uses. For more complete lists, check out these cool links!

Egg Shells

Orange Peels

Banana Peels

Peanut shells

Watermelon rines

Carrot tops

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