The ABCs Of 'One Tree Hill'
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The ABCs Of 'One Tree Hill'

The ultimate guide to the ultimate show, "One Tree Hill."

The ABCs Of 'One Tree Hill'
The CW

A: Alex Dupree

The model/actress/singer that you love to hate at first. She threatens Brooke’s happy ending with Julian which makes it very hard to love her. She grows up throughout the series as she battles addiction and self-harm and has a very good relationship with Chase. But just as you begin to like her, she leaves Chase to go on tour. Thanks a lot, Chris Keller.

B: Brooke Davis

There is no one quite like B. Davis. She begins the series as a spoiled, selfish cheerleaderwho is in the way of Peyton and Lucas getting together. However, as Brooke goes through various hardships; being cheated on(twice), her parents basically abandoning her, and other high school mishaps she grows up and learns that other people’s opinions do not shape who you are. You shape who you are. She develops into an amazing character throughout the 9 seasons. Brooke has the biggest heart of anyone on the show and eventually gets the happy ending she deserves.

C: Chris Keller

There were a lot of choices for this letter, but none more memorable than the infamous Chris Keller. No one is more fun to hate than this guy. He is cocky, talented, and almost ruins one of the best couples in history (Naley, duh). He shows some redeemable qualities when he helps Nathan get the demo back by selling his guitar and later in the show saving Nathan from his kidnappers. No one is better than Chris Keller, just ask Chris Keller. Honorable mentions go to Chase, Clay, and the Comet.

D: Dan Scott

Speaking of people we hate, this guy takes the cake. We will never forgive him for killing Keith and abandoning Karen and Lucas. Prison did him well though and helped make him somewhat tolerable. He saved Jamie and Haley from Nanny Carrie and Nathan from the kidnappers so we won’t completely write him off. And we have to give him some credit for fathering the two hottest on-screen brothers we’ve ever seen.

E: Ellie

Peyton’s birth mom is one of many heartbreaking story lines that Peyton has to go through. Her battle with breast cancer is hard to watch. She is a brief part of the show but she leaves her mark by giving Peyton her leather jacket and a new devotion to music.

F: Family

This show is all about family. Friends that you love so much they become family. All of these characters grow up together, bond, and become each other’s families. And I don’t know about you, but I’ll join their family anytime!

G: GiGi

In high school, GiGi is some comedic relief voicing what we are all thinking. That these basketball players are very attractive. But when we are reintroduced to her after highschool when she is Mouth’s intern, she becomes not so likable getting in between Mouth and Millie. Thank God, they eventually work it out or we could never forgive her.

H: Haley James Scott

Our teenage rock star, valedictorian, wife, and mom. She has it all, including Nathan Scott. She starts the show known only as Lucas’s best friend but she quickly becomes the main character, married to Nathan at 16! I can’t blame her, I would’ve wifed him up as early as possible too. They do go through a bit of a rough patch (Thanks again, Chris Keller) but they make it through. They have an amazing son and daughter and a great relationship throughout the show. Naley forever!!

I: Ian

Otherwise known as psycho Derek. He is the guy that pretends to be Peyton’s brother and stalks and attacks her, twice. Until Brooke and Peyton take care of him on prom night sending him to the psych ward for good.

J: Jamie Scott

The amazing combination of Nathan and Haley. Their son is born on their graduation night and is introduced at 4 years old in season 5. He is a strong, fun loving little boy that forgives everyone no matter what they have done (Dan in particular). Watching Haley and Nathan parent him is just an added bonus! Honorable mentions go to Julian, Jake, and Jimmy.

K: Keith & Karen

We only got 5 or 6 episodes of the greatness that was this couple. We had to give this letter to them both since they both raised Lucas into the amazing character that he was. Their love was too short and we hate Dan for taking it away too fast. Thank God, we got to see Karen have his baby. That was the only good thing that came out of Keith’s murder.

L: Lucas Scott

The oldest Scott brother. We really wish he hadn’t left after season 6 but we’re glad he got his happy ending with Peyton. He began the show as everyone’s favorite brother, just wanting to play basketball and have his dad and half-brother leave him alone. He made various mistakes (cheating on Brooke Davis ring a bell?!) but nobody is perfect so we forgive him. He is a great friend to Haley, Brooke, and Peyton. He is an amazing brother to Nathan. Also, watching him be Jamie’s uncle can melt your heart. The show would not be the same without this Scott brother.

M: Marvin 'Mouth' McFadden

The ultimate nice guy. Also, the king of the friend zone. In high school, he can’t catch a break with girls. Falling for all the ones he can’t have; Brooke, Rachel, Shelly, etc. He goes through a hard time after losing his old best friend Jimmy to suicide but he grows up and stays the same, the sweet guy we all love. We also love seeing him get his happy ending with Millicent after all they go through together.

N: Nathan Scott

The other Scott brother and the other portion of Naley. He begins the show as someone we cannot stand but has one of the best character developments of anyone. He emancipates himself from his murderer father and drug addict mother and marries at 16. He makes mistakes along the way but is always trying to be the best person, husband, and father he can be for Haley and Jamie and Lydia. He teaches us all to never give up on our dreams, no matter what. It is not Tree Hill without him.

O: "One Tree Hill"

“There is only one Tree Hill, and it’s your home.” This famous line from the show’s finale will always resonate with fans. Tree Hill did begin to feel like home after watching its characters for 9 years and it will always have a special place in our hearts.

P: Peyton Sawyer

Not many people can survive 2 dead moms, a dad that wasn’t around that much, a psycho stalker, a car crash, almost dying giving birth, and various other high school hardships. Peyton Sawyer did do that and had a great playlist playing while she did it. She grew up a lot during the show but like she said people always leave. Which is what she did when she left in season 6. We miss her and Lucas terribly but know that their little family of 3 is just fine somewhere else.

Q: Quinn James

This was a tough one to choose because Quinn was a big part of the show for 3 seasons. She was Haley’s sister and found her true love in Clay which was great to watch. Especially when little Logan joined their family. But not many people can forget Quentin Fields who helped Nathan get his dream back in Seasons 5 and 6 and was shot and killed way too young. So, this was one is really a tie.

R: Rachel Gatina

Rachel comes into the show as someone who is out to get Brooke. She does various things to piss her off and eventually gets under everyone’s skin. She does some terrible things like releasing the time capsule and trying to get with Nathan but she has Brooke’s back when it comes to the stolen test and takes the fall for her so Brooke can graduate with her friends. Later on in the show, she ends up with a drug addiction and steals money from Brooke. By the end, she disappears after marrying Dan! She has some good qualities but she could have definitely made some better choices throughout the show.

S: Skillz

Antwon “Skillz” Taylor is not a hugely vital character but shouldn’t be overlooked. He is always a good friend to Lucas, Haley, Nathan, and everyone else. He is also a huge part of Jamie’s life. He is sweet and great comedic relief throughout the drama of the show.

T: Tric

Tric is the club where the characters spend a lot of their time. Music is a huge part of the show and their lives. Haley often performs there and Peyton eventually runs her record label out of the back. It is a place filled with a lot of good memories for the characters and I know I wish my town growing up had a place like it where kids could go listen to music and just hang out.

U: Unkindness of Ravens

The name of the book that Lucas writes about their high school adventures. I wish it was real cause I would go out and buy it in a heartbeat.

V: Victoria Davis

Brooke’s mom is not seen often in the first couple of seasons. She doesn’t seem to care at all about her daughter. When she finally does show up, she is a heinous person. She doesn’t seem to care about her daughter at all. All she seems to care about is Brooke’s company. Luckily after Julian talks to her and knocks some sense into her she sees how amazing her daughter is and starts to be a real mom. She ends the show loving her daughter and her grandkids.

W: Whitey Durham

The best fictional basketball coach of all time. He is always there to give the players, especially the Scott brothers, advice and support. He helps them realize their full potential. He also leads them to a state championship. He goes above and beyond by giving Nathan a second chance at a Division II college to play basketball again. He is the first person Nathan goes to tell him he made it to the NBA.

X: Xavier

One of the worst villains on this show. He attacks Brooke twice, kidnaps Sam, and kills Quentin. He goes to jail but gets out and tries to hurt Brooke again. Thankfully he is arrested again and stays there for good.

Y: Yes, I will continue watching.

"One Tree Hill" is very easy to binge watch. It has 9 long seasons, each better than the one before it. I know I continue to click yes, continue watching every time it comes up for a new episode.

Z: Zero is not a size.

The best fashion advice that Brook Davis gives. She always wanted people to know that they should be happy in their own skin. She never wanted people to try and change to fit someone else’s standards.

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