20 Struggles All Makeup Addicts Know To Be True
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20 Struggles All Makeup Addicts Know To Be True

Because beauty is pain and stuggles. Lots and lots of struggles.

20 Struggles All Makeup Addicts Know To Be True

Makeup is so much more than powder and lip gloss. Today, more than ever, makeup is regarded by many as a hobby, an art, and even an obsession. People around the world, through social media and a mutual love for makeup, are able to connect while expressing their creativity. As great as the makeup community and artistry in general is, being a makeup junkie isn't always easy. As more and more people begin to delve into the world of makeup, the struggles only increase. Here are 20 struggles all of us makeup addicts know to be true:

1. Running out of your favorite product.

You're done with your whole face, and just have brows left. You open your drawer and realized... YOU ARE OUT OF YOUR BROW PRODUCT. Guess I'm going to look like middle school me today.

2. Companies discontinuing your favorite product.

It's a sick joke, really. Just as soon as you fall head over heels in love with something, BAM! The brand decides to discontinue it. Heartbreaking, really.

3. Not being able to get your eyeliner even on the other eye.

If you have not endured this struggle multiple times, you're not a makeup addict. Sorry.

4. Having zero money left in your bank account after a trip to Ulta or Sephora.

Am I broke. Yes. But do I look fabulous? Yes, yes I do.

5. Being way too easily persuaded to buy a product after watching a YouTube or Instagram video.

They just make it look so good and I mean... they have a coupon code, at least?

6. Actually getting the product from the video, and not liking it.

Ugh. Marketing at its finest.

7. Enduring the judgement you get for spending tons of money on makeup.

Don't hate me cause you ain't me.

8. Not trusting anyone to do your makeup but you.

Scared to think about how nuts I will be towards whomever has the pleasure of doing my makeup for my wedding day. Let's start holding good thoughts for them now. Also, I am sorry in advance.

9. Not being able to take anyone makeup shopping with you, because you need time to look at everything.

Unless he or she is a fellow makeup fanatic, do not put them through your extremely lengthy Sephora shopping trips-- especially ladies who bring their boyfriends. That is just messed up on so many levels.

10. When a new foundation doesn't come in the right shade for you.

Humans do not come in a variety of only 12 shades! Grrrrr.

11. Not being able to snatch up that new eye shadow palette because it's sold out immediately after being released.

Makeup companies-- make more palettes! Send stores more palettes! They will be purchased, we promise. It's called supply and demand. Come on, that's just simple economics.

12. Calling every Ulta and Sephora in the area to find a product you need.

I think the sales associates at every Ulta and Sephora in my area know me on a first name basis at this point. Sorry not sorry.

13. Procrastinating on cleaning your brushes.

The worst day of the week you ask? Brush cleaning day. We all dread it, but it must be done.

14. Going a little overboard with the blush or bronzer.

We've all done this. Don't even lie.

15. Being judged for wearing "too much makeup".

No explanation needed here. But, for the record, we know we look good and feel good. So no need to comment on the amount of makeup you think we should be wearing.

16. Leaving the house and suddenly remembering you forgot to put a certain product on.

Face looks flawless, eye shadow is blended to perfection, but... wait... I FORGOT LASHES! NOOOOOO!

17. Crediting your great mood to how fleeked your eyebrows are.

Nothing can stop me on a good brow day. NOTHING.

18. Needing every new palette that comes out, yet only using two or three max on a regular basis.

Mathematically speaking, there is no way to use all these eye shadows, even if we never bought another palette again. But, the palettes are just so pretty.

19. Adjusting how you live your life, just so that your makeup stays on point.

No face itching, eye tearing, none of that! Not until our makeup is off for the day.

20. But, all in all, loving the many struggles us makeup junkies face. Because beauty is pain. Duh.

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