In general, moving for most people is a bittersweet experience. You’re caught between the nostalgia and the excitement. The process of moving can be an emotional roller coaster as you reduce your material possessions into boxes and relive all the memories that those rooms hold.
Stage 1: The Lease is Up
This is pretty standard step when there simply comes a time where the place you live can no longer be the place you live. Now there is a difference in how people handle this type of thing: a) there is a type of person that starts preparing and planning for a move with ample time and, b) there is a type of person, myself included, that waits to the last minute to plan and pack.
Stage 2: Gather those Supplies
Moving can be expensive and it’s complicated because you have to buy things or find things to put your things in and that’s never any fun. Now there are also two types of people when it comes to getting supplies: a) there is a person that goes out an buys really nice boxes, packing peanuts, and bubble wrap and, b) there is a person, myself included, that scavenges at local stores for boxes and old newspapers.
Stage 3: The Battle Plan
This is the final precursor before you initially start packing you make a mental or physical plan of how your going to tackle the endless task of packing your place. Usually after this plan is made you want to retreat to the bed that you should probably start taking apart and binge watch Netflix on a TV you need to start unhooking.
Stage 4: Why?
This stage occurs when you tape the first box. Why is this happening? Why did I buy this? Why do I have so much stuff? Why can’t I hire professional movers? Why didn’t I extend my lease? Why do I have two pairs of the exact same shoes? Why?
Stage 5: Should You Stay or Should You Go?
As you continue to pack you hit points where you question yourself as a person. This usually happens when you’re packing your clothes and you find a sequined sweater that you thought was cute more than seven years ago, but you refuse to get rid of. Let’s not forget those kitchen gadgets that you had to have that are still in original packaging or the collection of themed college cups. Alabama Student Exchange here I come.
Stage 6: Tapped Out
This stage happens multiple times throughout the packing process where you run out of the basics: boxes, tape, energy, time, stuff to wrap fragile things in, and did I mention tape. The tragedy concerning this particular stage is you need your coffee or espresso machine to assist your energy levels and they’re already packed in the land of boxes that has become your living room. Starbucks and Target runs are extremely necessary in this stage.
Stage 7: The Castle.
There comes a point where your living room has become an intricate Jenga-esque castle of boxes. This occurs when you’re in the homestretch, you’re stuff is packed. You did good!
Stage 8: Gotcha!
Hahahahaha! You thought you were done? You may have thought you packed everything, but just wait give it a couple of minutes you’ll find some stray socks in a corner of the house you never knew existed.
Stage 9: Haul
It’s time to transport that intricate castle of boxes into a new place, or a storage unit, or in some cases back to your parents house. This stage is filled with stress, bruises, and often some form of broken glass.
Stage 10: Thanks for the Memories
Your home is now a blank space (all rights given to Taylor) filled with holes from the paintings that you thought you could hang without your Dad’s help, the little marks on the walls from drunken antics with your roommates, and all the memories that you’ll never forget.