Dear Boyfriend,
I know that I try to tell you as often as I can how much I appreciate and love you, but I don't know if I tell you thank you enough. You have made this journey together so worth it, and I just want to thank you from the bottom of my heart. Thank you for everything you have done, everything you do, and everything you will do for me in the future.
Thank you for being my best friend
I have never had the connection I have with you with anyone else. Even some of my friendships haven't been as great as ours! So, thank you for being the one person I can always be myself with, whether that's happy, sad, crazy, or mad, you're the one person who has never judged me.
Thank you for loving my flaws
Being a girl can be really hard, especially with all of the things that we think we need to measure up to, but thank you for reminding me that my flaws make me perfect and that you love them. It really does help me overcome my self-consciousness about them. It's crazy to have a man by my side who loves every piece of me and doesn't want to change a thing, even if he could.
Thank you for being one of my biggest supporters
I'm one of those girls who has BIG dreams, and you have never been the guy to tell me that I can't do them or be intimidated by my determination to be successful in the workforce. You have always told me to go after what I want, even if it means we won't be by each other's side for a while. That means more to me than you could ever imagine. I have a man who puts me and my dreams first and my gratitude, for you being this man for me, is truly unimaginable.
Thank you for being my shoulder to cry on... a lot
We have gone through so much together, but I wouldn't have wanted my "ugly cry" face to be seen, so often, by anyone else. You have given me strength, love, compassion, and comfort every moment that I have ever needed it, and I thank you for that. Neither of our lives have been easy, so thank you for making those hard moments that much easier when you are holding me.
Thank you for being the man I could only dream of
It's crazy to know that we could have not met so easily, and never have known this amazing world that we have created together. You are truly the man I have always dreamed of having! Thank you for treating me like the princess I have always wanted to be. Every time you look at me, I just know that you're the person I hope to spend the rest of my time with.
Thank you for accepting and loving my family
I know that they can be crazy or hard to handle at times, but you have never treated them any different from your own. It makes me so happy knowing I have a boyfriend who loves being around my family as much as I do. It's also amazing knowing you would never do anything to hurt my relationship with them. Thank you for being the man my parents love and are proud that I'm with!
Thank you for listening to me and my "complaining"
Whether it's roommate problems, school problems, or really any problem, you are always listening, and not just the, "mhmm, please shh, I'm trying to play my video game"-listening, but truly wanting to hear what I have to say. It's nice to always feel important, and you make me feel that way every day.
Thank you for teaching me what a healthy relationship is
I've had my fair share of experiences, and I don't know if I can say that any of those were truly "healthy." So thank you, for showing me what a healthy argument is like. Thank you for showing me that if you truly love someone, you never treat them badly on purpose and that you always try to put their needs before your own. Thank you for teaching me to always believe in love and to know that love never hurts.
Thank you for letting me take a billion pictures of us
I know that you hate pictures in the first place, but thank you so much for taking them for me. You have a heart of gold, and I am so blessed to have a man willing to co-star in my ridiculous photos.
Thank you for the endless cuddles and love
You are one of the best people I have ever had in my life, and I am so blessed to be able to cuddle up next to you every day after school and say I love you, even if that means interrupting whatever you are doing. So, thank you for allowing that! But, you were probably just playing a video game anyway, so interrupting that for cuddles is totally acceptable.
I could go on and on about how much I appreciate you and am thankful to have you in my life, but these are definitely my top 10! I love you and thank you for being the best boyfriend ever, in my eyes!
Your Girlfriend