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A Thank You Letter To 3 Amazing Individuals

Thank you Ty, Col and Court!

A Thank You Letter To 3 Amazing Individuals
Ally Rosenfeld

As a child and even into my young adolescent years, I always thought of the concept of a sorority as something I would never take part of in a million years. Please, enough money in the world wouldn’t have me joining a sorority anytime or anywhere. Me? A sorority? No. Throughout the entirety of my high school career, I wasn’t exactly the girl with a solid, core group of nice, kind and genuine girlfriends, so the thought of becoming part of a sisterhood, well, I just wasn’t able to grasp it.

On the flip side, it wasn’t until when I first came to Quinnipiac University as an incoming freshman student, went through the entire recruitment process, and thus was eventually initiated into the amazing sorority, Phi Sigma Sigma, Zeta Zeta chapter, that I realized being part of such a strong, fierce and unreal sisterhood was the best gift I have ever received.

I truly love all my sorority sisters, and all they have done for me. From countless laughs and tears of joy at our heart-warming bonding nights, to having a genuine sense and/or feeling of belonging at our Sunday chapter meetings, to all the amazing and unforgettable times all of us sisters have had together whether on or off campus. I love you all. I consider each and every single one of you amazing ladies not only a sister to me but also a reliable, strong and steady backbone.

I am nearing the end of my first year of college, I have come to the realization that it is about time I thank the three people in particular who truly did help me realize my full potential, guided me through the paths of growth and maturity, and lastly, never left my side. Colleen, Courtney and Tyler, thank you for teaching me the true meaning of what Phi Sigma Sigma at Quinnipiac University is all about. And thank you, the three of you, for being people I can truly call some of my dearest of friends.

Colleen, where do I even begin with you? You’re my Big, and by society’s idea of the ideal Big, that means they automatically are required to be your best friend, right? No. You, fortunately, did become one of my best friends here at Quinnipiac and I can't thank you enough for all that you've done, and the confidence you've given me. When it was time for potential Big and Little meetings, I didn’t know what to do, who to put on my list, or what to think of anyone I had met.

Colleen, I can honestly say that you, my friend, stood out to me the most. Beyond your physical beauty, honestly, you're absolutely stunning, your gorgeousness truly does shine from within out to the rest of the world. You have a heart of gold, you're the most understanding and least judgmental person I know, and you're extremely easy to talk to. I will always remember gently knocking twice on the shining pink, orange and silver box that had my name on it. As you popped out from it and gave me the biggest hug of all time I finally felt at home and I knew you would never leave my side.

I will also never forget all the ridiculous food runs we have had whether it be to Moe’s for unhealthy but oh so delicious Mexican food, or even for frozen yogurt (when you claimed you weren’t in the mood for sugar). I would like to thank you for showing me a true college experience. You took me under your wing, made sure that I was safe at all times, and always looked out for my best interest. And, for that, I will never leave your side.

Tyler Fryler you are definitely one of a kind, my friend. You are ridiculous, hilarious and obnoxiously loud. But as you always say to me, “once, always.” I reminisce back to when we had to choose between who would be Sweetheart for Phi Sigma Sigma, and I saw your name on the list. For a short while, I couldn’t put my finger on who you were exactly, but then I remembered that you were the guy who found me at Toad's on Halloween, dressed up as Tinder #swipewisely. “Fry can’t even take you anymore," “Oh my good Ally," “I can’t with you," and of course, “God bless B” will always stick with me.

Thank you for always letting me confide in you when I need someone who is smart, a careful listener, and most importantly, genuine. You have not only become a member of Phi Sig, but also the older brother I have never had. Nothing makes me smile more than seeing you almost every day, with an enormous grin on your face. Your smile makes me come to my senses that even though as individuals, we all face many challenges and struggles. There's always a light at the end of the tunnel. You've brought an immense amount of joy, laughter, and unfathomable amount happiness into my life. I appreciate all that you've done for me. You're one of the largest components as to why I have decided Phi Sig is the perfect sorority for me.

And last but not least, Coco. If you don’t know who exactly Courtney Kent is, then you haven’t met the definition of the ideal and perfect young woman. When you were elected this semester to become the new President of Phi Sigma Sigma, I couldn’t wait to meet you, and see what was in store for all of us a sisterhood.

I knew that you would have a lot to say, some obligatory rules to lay down, but little did I know that you would also be there for me more than I ever needed. You're always a phone call, a text or even a Facebook message away. I admire not only your physical beauty but also the brains you have and the way you represent yourself to the rest of the world. You're not only a Phi Sig sister to me, but you're 100 percent my role model. I aspire to be like you when I grow older.

Thank you, Courtney, for always providing me with your wise words of wisdom, your generous offers and, lastly, your endless amount of love and sympathy. I will always remember at our potluck dinner, you casually breaking it down in front of all of the upper cafeteria, dancing like no one was watching. You’re so funny and always a joy to be around and spend quality time with.

On a deeper note, I couldn’t thank you more for understanding the obstacles that I face in life, and not brushing them off and saying that everything's fine, that I’m just over thinking everything. Instead, you have willingly opened up, and shared your personal stories with me, exhibiting who a true fighter is. You are strong and fierce, and those are two traits that I aspire to achieve someday. So, Coco, thank you for being you; there's nothing more that I could ask for from a single individual.

These three individuals have truly made some of the largest impacts on me and are the main factors as to why I chose Phi Sigma Sigma. So whether you are in a Greek organization or not, I suggest that you be on the lookout for people in life who exhibit the traits that I have listed about these amazing individuals. If you find someone who is quite similar, your life is about to completely change for the better.

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