It is that time of year again, the one day we get to recognize the women that carried us in their bellies for nine months and in their hearts for our entire lives, our mothers. This is a special day where we get to give a little something back to the women who have given us everything, our chance to show our mothers how much we really love and appreciate them. So, here’s to the woman that has been with me since day one…literally.
Dear Mom,
There are not enough words in the dictionary to explain how much you mean to me. I know that I do not say it much, but I appreciate every little thing you do for me. I know that our relationship has not always been easy but as I grew older I slowly realized how much you do for me, and how much I overlooked. So after all this time, I want to thank you for being the incredible mother that you are.
Thank you mom, for always being my super hero, whether it was picking me up after I fell off my bike at 9 years old to consoling me through college stress at 21
Thank you for overcoming every obstacle you've faced without ever showing fear
Thank you for being my motivation to work harder
Thank you for being the most selfless and courageous woman I know
Thank you for sacrificing all of your time to working, volunteering, going to school, cooking, cleaning, and taking care of us. I don't know how you do it.
Thank you for showing me that there are no excuses by making the decision to go to college. Even when you had to take me to your classes with you because there was no one else to take care of me.
Thank you for being my confidant
Thank you for caring for me and supporting me no matter what happened
Thank you for always protecting me from everything you could
Thank you for always believing in me, even when no one else did
Thank you for pushing me to look to God for strength and faith
Thank you for getting angry at me when I leave the house without a jacket
Thank you for going to the ends of the earth to help me when I need you
Thank you for telling me that everything will be okay when I feel like it’s the end of the world
Thank you for cleaning my room even though you knew I would mess it up a few days later
Thank you for continuing to ask me if I am okay when I lie that I'm fine
Thank you for loving me even when I push you away
Thank you for supporting me in all my endeavors no matter how much the cost or inconvenience for you
Thank you for giving me a break from being an adult when I come home to visit
Thank you for waking up early on your only day to sleep in to make me breakfast
Thank you for being understanding and supportive when I am honest with you about things that you do not approve of
Thank you for all of the sacrifices you have made for me
Thank you for pushing me to experience different things no matter how scared of the unknown I might be
Thank you for calming down when I stress out too much
Thank you for always being on my side, even when I’m wrong
Thank you for never showing if you were afraid or upset so I wouldn’t worry when things were bad
Thank you for working your hardest so I would never have to worry about money
Thank you for being there when I felt completely alone
Thank you for taking whatever the world throws at you and coming out stronger
Thank for coming to this brand new country where you knew no one, to make sure your kids had a good life
Thank you for always having faith in me
Thank you for teaching me that everything happens for a reason
Thank you for making me feel like enough every time I feel like I let you down
Thank you for teaching me that I can do anything I set my mind to no matter what
Thank you for loving me unconditionally and accepting me no matter what
Thank you for giving me the bigger piece of cake
Thank you for pushing us to spend time together as a family even when we complained about it
Thank you for making my brothers and I your biggest priority, and always putting our happiness first
Thank you for giving me everything and more
Thank you for never asking for anything in return
Thank you for never giving up on me even when I gave up on myself
Thank you for being my sister, best friend, and mother all in one
Thank you for raising me to be the person I am today. I hope, that one day, I can be as amazing of a mother as you are. I could not have asked for a better role model. I love you with all my heart and no matter how grown up I get, you will always be my super hero. Happy Mothers Day.
Your Daughter