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The Ultimate 'Text Or Drink' Game To Spice Up Your Next Girls' Night In With Your Single Friends

Things are about to get interesting...

The Ultimate 'Text Or Drink' Game To Spice Up Your Next Girls' Night In With Your Single Friends

Girls' nights are some of the best nights and especially while there's a pandemic, staying in and social distancing is definitely the safest option. Of course, there are only so many things you can talk about and movies you can watch before those girls' nights in get a littleboring. So ask your single friends if they're down to spice it up a bit with a little drinking game.

What's the name of the game? "Text or Drink." Here's how it works:

The Rules Are Simple

Send the text or get drunk, oh, and...

  • Best played with a group of 3+ friends
  • Drink responsibly
  • Must be 21+ to play this game
  • Mix in some water, please and thank you

Get it? Got it? (In case you don't get it, go in order from 1 to 40 as each player takes turns and chooses to either send the text or drink). Good.

Let's PLAY!

*Note: if you have already texted the person it says to text for any rule, have one of your friends choose a new person from your contacts for you to send it to instead — or get ready to drink. Things are about to get interesting (disclaimer).

1. Send this text:

To the first person in your contacts under the letter J OR take a sip.

2. Send this text:

To the second person in your contacts under the letter S OR take a sip.

3. Send this text:

To someone in your contacts you haven't spoken to in over a year OR take a sip.

4. Send this text:

To the person in your contacts you're crushing on OR take 2 sips.

5. Send this text:

To your high school bae OR take 2 sips.

6. Send this text:

To a person you went on one date with a while ago and never spoke to again OR take 3 sips.

7. Send this text:

To the person you've been crushing on from afar OR take 3 sips.

8. Send this text:

To someone in your contacts who you've never really spoken to, but wouldn't hate getting to know OR take 3 sips.

9. Send this text:

To the second person in your contacts under the letter M OR take 3 sips.

10. Send this text:

To the last person in your contacts under the letter T OR take 3 sips.

11. Send this text:

To the person who responded most recently to a text you sent from this game OR take 3 sips.

12. Send this text:

To the second-to-last person in your contacts under the letter R OR take 3 sips.

13. Send this text:

To your high school crush OR take 4 sips.

14. Send this text:

To the last guy you texted (outside of this game) OR take 4 sips.

15. Send this text:

To the last person in your contacts who hurt you OR take 5 sips.

16. Send this text:

To the one in your contacts who "got away" OR take 5 sips.

17. Send this text:

To the last person you had to text during the game who never responded to the text ORtake 5 sips.

18. Send this text:

To the fifth guy in your contacts ORtake 5 sips.

19. Send this text:

To your biggest crush OR take 5 sips.

20. Send this text:

To a guy you have casually talked to, but haven't been able to go out with because of the pandemic (or another reason) OR take a big gulp.

21. Send this text:

To someone you stopped talking to over a month ago OR take a big gulp.

22. Send this text:

To the last person in your contacts OR take a big gulp.

23. Send this text:

To anyone who posted on Instagram today who you'd be interested in datingORtake 2 big gulps.

24. Send this text:

To the person you are dating or dated most recently OR take 3 big gulps.

25. Send this text:

To a random contact under the letter P OR take 3 big gulps.

26. Send this text:

To anyone in your contacts who you don't normally text on the reg OR take 3 big gulps.

27. Send this text:

To the last person who treated you badly while you were talking or dating OR take 3 big gulps.

28. Send this text:

To the last person you hooked up with (unless they're creepy) OR finish half your drink.

29. Send this text:

To the guy in your contacts who's kind of a dogOR finish half your drink.

30. Send this text:

To someone who ghosted you OR finish your drink.

31. Send this text:

To a toxic ex OR finish your drink.

32. Send this text:

To the person you last "got with" OR finish your drink.

33. Send this text:

To a group chat of at least 3 guys from your contacts OR finish your drink.

34. Send this text:

To the guy you most recently Snapchatted ORchug.

35. Send this text:

To the 20th person in your contacts OR chug.

36. Send this text:

To the last guy in your contacts OR refill your glass and finish your drink.

37. Send this text:

To someone your friend picks from your contact list OR refill your glass and finish your drink.

38. Send this text:

To someone your friend picks from your contact list OR refill your glass and finish your drink.

39. Send this text:

To someone you've previously sexted OR take a shot.

40. Send this text:

To the last guy who DMed you something flirty on Instagram OR take a shot.

Get ready to play with a set of unbreakable stemless wine glasses, some plastic (reusable shot glasses), and/or a water bottle to stay hydrated.

Follow Swoon on Instagram.

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