14 Cringey-Worthy First Messages From Dating Apps
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14 Of The Most Cringe-Worthy Messages Received on Dating Apps

Ahhhh, yes: the online dating community.

14 Of The Most Cringe-Worthy Messages Received on Dating Apps

Not only will this be fun, but it should also (hopefully) provide a heads up for those who are trying to hook up/date of what is acceptable and what is just... yikes.

In order from bad to worse, below are some of the most whacky messages from dating apps as told by Ball State's Odyssey team.

1. "Hey you're beautiful. We should date."

Okay. Honestly, this one isn't that bad. I commend the guy for using the word beautiful as opposed to words like hot, sexy, thick, or a babe.

However, it's a little forward. Maybe try getting to know the person first before suggesting that you should date.

2. "My mom told me not to talk to strangers online, but I'll make an exception for you."

Ah, yes-- the first pick up line. Clearly this guy has used this on more than one person, or at least I would guess so.

3. "I got some mac n' cheese if u wanna come over."

Okay. Props to him for paying attention to this girl's bio enough to notice the fact that she likes mac n' cheese. It's original.

However, I don't know if I'd wanna go over to someone's house of whom I know nothing about.

4. "My doctor said I'm lacking Vitamin U."

This is not the first time I've heard this one.

It also can be applied to basically anyone, so I wouldn't be surprised if this guy also used this same message on multiple people due to a lack of personal motivation.

5. "Are you a gold fish cracker, because you're a snack that smiles back."

Ditto back to number 4. This is clearly, very unoriginal.

Not only that, but objectifying a woman as a food right off the bat may not necessarily be the best move.

6. "I'm ugly and you're hot and opposites attract."

Well, way to plunge on your own self confidence, dude.

Maybe try loving yourself first before you come searching for it from me.

7. "Do you smoke weed? Cause weed be great together."

Ahhhh. I'm not gonna lie, when I received this message; I laughed harder than I probably should've.

Honestly, this is oddly original and might have worked on someone who enjoys cannabis. I, however, do not and have made that preference very clear on my profile. Pay attention, my dude.

8. "Whoa, you know who you look like? The girl of my dreams, name's _____ nice to meet you."

Alrighty. Not only is this a clearly structured pick up line, but according to the girl who sent in this one; this guy had also sent this same message to all of her friends that had also matched with him.

Wow. Not only does this totally water down and demean the phrase, "girl of my dreams", but it also shows a complete lack of originality and genuineness.

9. "So are you a thong or a boy shorts kinda girl?"

Ugh. Here we go. The first sexual introduction of many has arrived.

Unless the person has specifically noted a preference to just hook up through a dating app, sending a message like this can prove to come off as very disrespectful and intrusive.

Why does it matter what kind of underwear I prefer, and why should I feel the inclination to tell a stranger about it?

10. "Well am not gonna waste time and try to be friends and all that I've come to the conclusion that I like you and I wanna be with you like today I was thinking about the whole I can't make any sense out of that than love like am serious I can't. I really don't have to know you to like you."

This one is just a big yikes for many reasons.

Firstly, I can't understand what your saying between the grammar and the run-on sentence structure. Oof.

Secondly, you sort of do have to know me at least a little bit to like me as a person. From my knowledge, I've only talked to you in very shallow terms for about a total of two minutes.

Lastly, you're not in love with me. Sorry, Romeo.

11. Guy: "If you had to be stuck in an elevator with someone for 24 hours who would it be?" Me: "Obama" Guy: "oh so you're a liberal, fuck you."

Okay. Ooooookay. I almost put this one last, because it is just so disrespectful.

If your goal is to turn someone off in one swift sentence, this is a good way to it. It clearly shows a plethora of closed mindedness, disrespect, and discrimination against a person's political beliefs.

Don't expect respect in return if you refuse to give it.

12. "What's the difference between you and sunglasses? Sunglasses will sit higher on my face."

Warning: we are now descending into the burning pit of sexually invasive hell.

This pretty much speaks for itself. Ew.

13. "Unlike my credit score, I want you to go down on me."

Again, what do you think someone will think of you if the first thing you say to them is something overtly sexual?

Not only that, but this one is clearly selfish.

One more thing, making fun of your own financial instability isn't attractive.

14. "I see you go to Ball State, would you mind if I go Balls deep in U?"

Ah, yes! The big finale!

I guess I can't complain too much, at least he asked for consent.

On the same token, it's things like this that make me question my faith in humanity. Could you be anymore disgusting?

Oof. Now that I'm done listing the messages that I've received from my girls in Ball State's Odyssey community-- I encourage you to reflect on your own experiences.

One more side note. Just because someone may find your sexual suggestions disgusting, it does not mean that they do not enjoy their own sexuality. It simply means that there is a lack of respect, and that they may want to.. I don't know, maybe get to know a person before they go sharing personal things with them.

Some people are into hook up culture, and that's great for them. On that same note, some people are not. That does not make them non-sexual people. It makes them people that care about the energy that they give and take. It means something to them.

In conclusion, when in doubt: Be respectful. Read the bio. Take interest. Honesty is key.

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