There’s been a lot of news and hate buzzing around Taylor Swift lately. The question ‘why?’ always enters my mind when this stuff happens. What did Taylor do to make everyone so mad? She’s just living her life. Why is everyone still playing the ‘she goes on too many dates’ card? It is clear that the famous entrepreneur doesn’t date often and half the men many have said she’s dated, she’s only ever been friends with. If someone kept placing blame on you for going on too many dates, you needed to eat more or everything you’re doing is wrong, these actions would be considered bullying. If these actions are seen as a form of abuse, then why do we proceed to do this with those in the public eye?
It’s popular to hate Taylor again, and it’s a mystery as to why it was ever popular in the first place. Between Calvin, Demi, Kanye and Kim, the public and the media have taken sides and many have made it very clear who’s side they are on. But here’s one question – why are we taking sides? Why does everything have to be a competition? And for the final time, why is everyone so mad at Taylor for writing about her life? This is not a trend that she started by any means. Many artists today and in history have written about their lives, relationships and heartbreak. It’s what musicians do, and it shouldn’t be something they should be laughed at or bullied for because of it.
For example, every artist that you listen to has written about something personal in their lives; artists from Hilary Duff to The Beatles to Beyonce to Kelsea Ballerini to Ed Sheeran. Every artist has a voice to write about a joyful experience or a heartbreaking experience. No artist is an exception to this rule. Whether you love the artist or you don’t, you should respect them and what they have to say through the music they create.
These songs that you poke fun at mean something to thousands of people. The songs that these artists write are more than what you think they are. People memorize them, take them to heart, play them on the guitar and so on. The diaries of these artists are being heard by millions around the world, and millions can relate. But of course some know this, while the majority is left not questioning every other artist in the world besides Taylor.
This is where we begin. Swift is the perfect example when it comes to proving why the artist opinion really does matter.
Exhibit A: The Media
Taylor is the most famous person in the world right now, and she will be for a long time. She’s a living legend. Why is Taylor famous? She’s famous because she makes everything about the music. It’s never not been about the music for Taylor. But in saying that, the media loves to twist it around and say it’s her tactic to get revenge. When Taylor does something good such as, standing up for independent artists or giving back to her fans or writing a song that can relate to millions around the world or sharing stories on a state in front of a sold out crowd they praise her. But, when she starts dating, they pin everyone against her to say she’s money Hungry or she’s going to go write a song now. This proves the media is only biased toward Taylor when she drops a song that they know they can’t deny. They love her music but they love to hate her.
Taylor’s influence has affected many, but the media doesn’t want to admit it. Her music even effects their lives. She’s affected many along the way, and she’s an inspiration. Perhaps this is why the media will take any opportunity they can get to pounce on her and praise everyone else who hates her.
For example, here are some headlines from the same publications side-by-side.
Here are examples from four widely popular publications
Example publication number 1:
The good:
The bad:
Example publication number 2:
The good:
The Bad
Example publication number 3:
The good:The bad:
Example publication number 4:
The good:
Exhibit B: Fans
Can we discuss how dedicated and loving fans are? They are the reason these artists have a name for themselves. For some crazy reason, several people come together to celebrate the music of one artist. The majority of the time it’s because they feel accepted by their favorite artist and they know their diary. In a lot of ways, fans listen to this particular artist because they can connect to them and what they have to say in the songs they sing.
Swift is no different. She’s just as powerful and relatable. Swifties know this. That is why they do what they can to defend the singer because they have taken the time out of their lives to get to know her and relate to her on a level that many others can’t. They share a special bond, and it’s because of the music that brought them together.
Exhibit C: Music is Therapy
“There’s so many people in the world that don’t feel understood, and when you hear a song and you go ‘Oh, that song understands me’. That’s the beautiful part of music.” – Keith Urban
“People haven’t always been there for me but music has.” – Taylor Swift
Music helps us heal. Songs sing our truths, the heartbreak we just went through and they help articulate the full length of human feelings. Music is therapy and the artists voice on the song is what is most important. Those songs being delivered from that specific artist can deliver hope to so many people, change lives, and the faith we are lacking when we are struggling most. Songs see us, which makes us feel as if the artist sees us as well. Music brings people together. Music is therapy. Taylor’s music is therapy as well as so many others. The voice of these artists matter. They matter.
The next time you decide to hate on a song, remember what it could mean to someone else. Remember that the person who wrote it has real feelings and their voice does matter.