The Sorority Life: Expectations Versus Reality
What the srat life is really about...
As a high school student, I had such a clear image in my mind about what being a "sorority girl" meant. I was sure it would be just like in the movies, and that I would instantly become a new person as soon as I joined a sorority. However, after going through the recruitment process and joining a sorority, I realize that so many of my expectations proved to be flat-out lies. So, here's what it's really like to live the srat life.
Expectation #1: You will meet your best friends right away.
Reality: Although it is likely that you will meet some of your closest friends through your sorority, it is also likely that this won't happen right away. Each sorority is filled with dozens of girls, and it takes a while to really find your people. At first, it can even feel overwhelming to figure out where you fit in.
Expectation #2: It's all partying.
Reality: Despite what many people believe, Greek life isn't all about the partying. In fact, partying is not even close to being a top priority for most sororities. There are so many other events - philanthropies, sisterhoods, meetings - that take up more time than partying.
Expectation #3: Girls in different sororities all have beef with each other.
Reality: Unlike what is depicted in the movies, girls in different sororities do not all hate each other! As a sorority girl myself, I can most definitely argue that some of my closest friends are in different sororities than me.
Expectation #4: Sorority girls are ~bitchy~
Reality: The truth is, there are nice people and not-so-nice people everywhere you go. In a house of over a hundred girls, it is more than likely that you'll find some who are less nice than others but that is certainly not to say that all sorority girls are bitchy, nor that being in a sorority justifies how nice girl is.
Expectation #5: Each house has a certain stereotype.
Reality: There are so many different types of girls in every house! You can label houses all you want, but there is no way that every girl in a specific sorority will fit the description perfectly.
Expectation #6: You won't make friends if you don't rush.
Reality: Greek life only makes up such a small percentage of a university's population, and most people who aren't involved in Greek life still have friends as close as sorority girls do. Not to mention, many non-sorority girls are good friends with sorority girls - there's no barrier that says Greek life can only be friends with Greek life.
In reality, sororities really do just give you a group of girls you can count on for anything. They aren't cults, and they certainly don't change who you are as a person. So, ignore what the movies say and if you really want to know what it's like to be in a sorority, join one yourself and find out!