To The Girl Who Treasures Everyone And Everything BUT Herself, Prioritize Yourself For Once
Pause and think about this: even if you did achieve all these goals, will you finally feel happy in the end?
In today's modern society, it is no secret that our world has become so fast paced that sometimes we forget to breathe. It often feels like we are shifting from one event to the next, without even taking the time to reflect on what is really happening external to ourselves, and also within it. To the person who feels this way, and who constantly puts others before herself, I want to let you know that is it OK to be selfish sometimes. Please do not wait until you explode to let your feelings out, or to let others in.
Practice self-care not only because you deserve in it, but because you need it.
As a college student, I know that the number one thing that we stress about is academics. We put so much pressure on ourselves to be number one. When we don't meet those expectations, we feel so disappointed and continually push ourselves to our limit. We sacrifice sleep, relaxing even just a little bit with friends, and isolate ourselves from the world just to get those straight A's. While our education should be a number one priority, your sanity and mental health should always be considered and never put to the back burner.
Pause and think about this: even if you did achieve all these goals, will you finally feel happy in the end?
Another thing that is a big issue is that overly selfless people often sacrifice their own time for the sake of other people. They always try to accommodate other people's problems, emotions, and issues before their own. Sometimes even if they have so many other things to do like schoolwork or even just have their own complications to address, they completely avoid their own issues just to help others feel better. While altruistic motives are always appreciated, this is not fair to yourself at all. You matter too, so stop feeling like your feelings are not valid or that you are a burden. You are allowed to vent too.
You are allowed to break down once in a while and to show a little vulnerability more than once in a blue moon.
This is coming from someone who has not been practicing self-care a lot lately and is slowly realizing that my mental health is suffering as a result. I talked to my friend recently who completely changed my whole perspective on this topic. It is not selfish to take some time for yourself, to relax for once. Even simple things like getting a sufficient amount of sleep, meditating, or even venting to a friend is helpful. Put on a cute outfit tomorrow, call your mom, and do whatever it takes to provide some self-comfort and reassurance. Try to find a sense of balance in your life again, and restore some happiness and contentment in your life today.