Just Keep Swimming Through Pisces Season
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Just Keep Swimming Through Pisces Season

Going Against the Stream? Change Your Direction:

Just Keep Swimming Through Pisces Season

February 18th through March 20th, the Sun engages in ‘ethereal Pisces’ season. During this time period, anybody, no matter their zodiac- is able to feel the energy from the astrological cycle. These seasons change about every 30 days, giving us an opportunity to channel energy from different signs and their connected planets— Gaining new perspectives into our lives, and offering a means for change. Making the most out of this season requires a bit of knowledge, such as where to hone in your focus?

Affirmation: “I raise my consciousness to the highest levels”

Image Credit: “Pisces Astro Butterfly” By: James R. Eads

Healing the relationships that you have established with yourself and others would be a great goal to strive for during the next four weeks, due to Pisces’ intuitive and empathetic nature. Closure and forgiveness can be seen as reflections of the Sun’s transition— Reaching completion as it visits the twelfth and final zodiac, only to begin again with the birth of the first zodiac sign, undoing an entire year of travels - in essence. The properties of the planets Neptune and Jupiter are also directly influencing the sign. Neptune has been defined as the planet of inspiration, dreams, and psychic receptivity, whereas Jupiter emanates possibility, the desire to reach, and broader purposes. The energy being manifested connects dreams with reality. This is a good time to get in tune with any creative aspirations you may have.

Affirmation: “I serve from a place of righteousness”

The Pisces symbol consists of two fish that appear to be swimming in opposite directions. Meant to be taken quite literally— The image represents Pisceans feeling as if they are being pulled in opposite directions at all times, and unable to make confident decisions for themselves. The Pisces Glyph also shows two fish, but held together by a line of matter, along with two crescents of receptivity facing outwards. When faced upwards, the crescent is more receptive to spirituality. Its placement directly above the line of matter represents Pisceans’ desire to break away from the limitations set by reality, searching for answers from higher powers. They are generally highly impressionable and open-minded people due to their dreamlike state of mind, that yearns for a sense of purpose.

Affirmation: “I create boundaries to bring more freedom”

As a mutable sign, Pisceans are able to easily adapt to their surroundings, often accommodating to others, and go through changes with ease. Unfortunately, their willingness to trust others along with their lack of consistency causes them to be very impressionable as well. Being a water sign, they have heightened emotions and are the most sensitive of the twelve signs. Pisces tend to label themselves as victims when they are wronged, although this is not always the case. Feeling sorry for themselves is a common occurrence, but they almost always use these negative emotions as a stepping stone towards personal growth or inspiration. The healing energy emanating can be applied to any situation, resulting in much needed forgiveness or closure. I suggest following a stress-reducing mantra by learning to go with the flow this season, and relying heavily on your gut feeling.

Affirmation: “I look within to find my strength”

Affirmation: “I trust my natural intuition”

Affirmation: “I take constructive criticism in stride”

Lavender, a color representing comic consciousness and spiritual healing, paired with sea green, symbolizing fertility, renewal and faith, are the colors associated with the Pisces zodiac. Because of the understanding and genuine nature of this aura, now is a better time than ever to put aside your ego, leaving any grudges or regrets in the past. The mind, spirit, and body are all connected, so it is important to achieve balance in these areas, letting go of anything that may be a burden on your conscience.

Affirmation: “I distinguish between mind and emotions”

Affirmation: “I overcome all addictive behavior”

Being the 12th astrology sign, Pisces are associated with the twelve house rules consisting of soul growth, re-creating oneself, karma, spirituality, and internal strengths or weaknesses. These aspects help explain why people of this sign are often introspective, and more likely to get lost inside their own minds. The last sign also tends to carry a touch of each sign before it, making Pisceans feel as if they are able to understand anyone, and granting them with a sense of wisdom. It is important to set away time for yourself during this time period and recharge your personal battery to focus on what is best for you.

Affirmation: “I decode the underlying causes of my choices”

Affirmation: “I balance work and play”

Affirmation: “I am in tune with common sense”

Often, people born under the Pisces zodiac are misunderstood by the people around them. They are unlike the other signs in the sense that they would sacrifice their own needs in order to please others. Their thoughts and priorities belong with spiritual realm, or inside their head, more often than not—limiting their ability to connect with people on a deeper level, causing them to become more introverted. Pisceans’ are deeply influenced by their feelings, and tend to resort to escapism to cope with overwhelming emotions.

Because they are so empathetic, it pains them to be labeled as anything other than such. Keep in mind as the Sun transitions through the final zodiac stage, the only person you ever have to answer to, is yourself.

Affirmation: “I believe others when they show me who they are”

Affirmation: “I give thanks for my beautiful soul”

The listed affirmations are direct quotes meant to be repeated, felt and believed. The phrases are exported from chakra meditation practices inspired by the properties of healing crystals; Amethyst and Labradorite. Channeling energy from the Pisces sun; the use of these crystals helps reach inner peace, and strives to awaken your third eye. Remind yourself of these affirmations daily, and if any feelings of doubt or confusion surface. Listen to the voice of your intuition when you are unable to find the words.

Affirmation: “I am always grounded and protected”


A fellow Pisces.

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