Sweet Summer Time
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Sweet Summer Time

The best and worst of summer 2015 and tips for a better summer 2016.

Sweet Summer Time
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Last summer, I thought it would be a fantastic idea to work 55-plus hours a week at two separate jobs, while taking an online summer class and attempt to have a minimal social life. I worked 40 hours a week, minimum, at a daycare center as a full time school-age classroom teacher. Then on the weekends I spent my time as a server at a popular restaurant for anywhere between 10-20 hours just on Saturdays and Sundays. For my class, we had multiple reading assignments each that needed a two-page long report due by Sunday morning. It was insane, to say the least. Exhaustion was a constant feeling and eating was something I only remembered to do after I woke up from my evening nap once I got home from work.

The worst:

This was possibly the worst summer of my life. I worked myself to death and rarely saw my friends, or even my family, whom I lived with. Seeing my mom on a Wednesday evening was a shocker because I was usually napping away the day’s stresses of dealing with 14 7 year olds with ADHD, or working on my summer class readings holed up in my room trying not to give up on a career and become a full-time bum, part-time sass queen. There was constantly someone needing something from me, whether it be a second grader needing sunscreen applied before we went outside, a guest at the restaurant needing more napkins or ketchup, my online teacher saying I needed to resend the assignments that week, or my parents trying to hang out with me and make sure I wasn't dead yet from my major lack of sleep. It was exhausting, and miserable, and I would never wish it upon anyone.

The best:

This was also possibly the best summer of my entire life. I made a crap ton of money. I made over minimum wage at the daycare center, and at least $50 every three hours I worked at the restaurant just in tips, plus my weekly paycheck. I was rolling in the money. I also took myself on as many adventures as I could afford with my new found riches! I visited my (now ex-) boyfriend, who lived in California, for a week. We explored all ends of the state from Disneyland, Lake Tahoe, LA, Malibu, Sacramento, and so much more. (Let me tell you what, CA is everything they say it is!) I also visited so many of my college friends from around the state. I went to every which part of Ohio I could that my friends would let me come see them (and even surprised a few as well). I’d stay for a night and head back home for work the next afternoon. After I finished up with my summer duties at the daycare, a couple of my friends and I planned a last minute trip to Myrtle Beach, South Carolina in about a day. The spontaneous trip was four days long and the most relaxing four days of my entire summer by far.

Through all of the chaos, good and bad, from last summer, I have come up with a few tips for myself, and you for your summer 2016 plans:

1. Do NOT work yourself to death.

Money is important to have, but do not kill yourself to have a crap-ton of it. You are only this young once! Live it up while you freakin’ can!

2. Spontaneous yes.

If someone wants to go get Taco Bell at 3 (a.m. or p.m.), go. If someone wants to go on a camping trip tomorrow night for the entire weekend, freakin’ do it! I can think of very few times I have regretted saying yes, but I can think of a million times that I regretted saying no.

3. Find a new hobby.

Whether it be to “get as tan as you possibly can” this summer, learning to arm knit, or being able to run six miles by the time school starts. Find something to keep you busy and keep you excited about waking up in the morning, and the progress you can make tomorrow.

4. Learn about yourself.

I unknowingly did this last summer. Between being a work horse, dealing with my boyfriend issues, and trying to remember to eat at least twice a day, I learned I am so much stronger than I thought I was. Your mind doesn’t give itself enough credit for what it is capable of. Explore your own thoughts and dreams and desires, you might even surprise yourself.

5. Get excited about your future.

I spent so much time thinking about how early I needed to wake up the next morning, or when I was getting paid next, etc. I didn't take a minute to think past what was happening right in front of my face.I was so caught up with the now, I never got excited about my future. I was starting my sophomore year of college in two months, I was living with my best friend, I had tons of people in my corner that were so excited to see me in the fall. I changed my major to something that I was so happy to finally be doing, and I didn't give myself the time to be pumped about that until the semester was right on top of me and I had to jump right into working for my dreams...no time to just be happy and content with everything that was right in my life finally.

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