When you're in college, there's a certain point on every Sunday when your entire weekend catches up to you in a single instant and runs you over like a high-speed train. During my time in Columbus, I've tried several regimens to get me back on my feet. Here are my five favorites.
1. Go outside: Fresh air will do you good. Go for a walk or eat breakfast on the porch. Run, if you're feeling ambitious. Being cooped up in your bedroom will not motivate you to get going. Sometimes, all you need is a little breeze in your face to perk you up.
2. Drink: Water. Or coffee, if that's more your style. Recently, my friends and I have been rejuvenating on Sunday mornings with a VitaCoCo Cafe Latté, and I would highly suggest it. Made with coconut water, it's rich in electrolytes to give you a burst of energy in this time of need. If you're tired of spending all your earnings at Starbucks, it's perfect for rehydrating because of its wealth of vitamins, potassium, and other helpful things. If coffee isn’t your style, try the lemonade. Definitely curing material for that headache.
3. Eat: With your tall Cafe Latté, have a big breakfast - or lunch, depending on what time you wake up. I love sunny side up eggs with toast. Or go for a sandwich. Panera bread bowls will be your best friend. It's so important to put a good, hearty meal in your stomach instead of just snacking on chips. Throw in some fruit, if you're feeling ambitious.
4. Do something productive: Workout, do homework, study for a test. Even if it’s not a lot, you’ll feel like you didn’t completely waste your day. It is important, mentally, not to be a complete bum every Sunday. With my course load, I can’t afford to spend a whole day every week doing absolutely nothing.
5. Sleep: But not all day. Go ahead and press that snooze button an extra time or two. I would recommend an afternoon nap or going to bed early, rather than sleeping in until 3 PM. Don't forget a big carbo-load and VitaCoCo. Sometimes your body just needs to rest after a long few days with little sleep. Enjoy some Sunday Night Football and prepare yourself for the long week ahead.