If you are subscribed to any YouTube channels you may have heard of the channel with more than 9 million subscribers called iisuperwomanii.
On December 28, 2015 Lilly Singh (A.K.A. Super Woman) uploaded a video dedicated to girl love. You may ask yourself what girl love is?
Girl love is an initiative created to stop girl-on-girl hate. In the video, she and her other YouTube friends explain it is no longer popular to be hating on another girl just to make yourself feel better. Some of the girls say "We're in this together". We shouldn't feel jealous of one another. If you feel jealous, why not just feel happy for the person and compliment her? We should be proud of each others' accomplishments and congratulate each other.
If you like what someone is wearing, feel free to tell her it will make her day. If you're walking down the street, smile at other women; we always feel good when someone smiles at us. We can even pay it forward anywhere. It doesn't have to be big; it can be something as simple as paying for the next person's Starbucks drink. If you make someone feel better about themselves, in turn, you will feel better about yourself as well. Don't be afraid to show girl love.
Here is another video where she shows how strongly she feels about this. The video begins with examples of how the media talks about women. Women are talked about in harsh ways. With Girl Love, what will come is a series of collaborations with other female YouTubers. This will begin July 28th.
Don't forget to spread girl love and watch all the videos coming up. Let's support each other and encourage each other to reach our goals and be our personal best. Compliment someone today!
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