Super Bowl LIII: Same Team, Different Opponent | The Odyssey Online
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Super Bowl LIII: Same Team, Different Opponent

Will the New England Patriots take home another Super Bowl title this year?

Super Bowl LIII: Same Team, Different Opponent

As a disclaimer, I am a biased New England Patriots fan from Boston. The New England Patriots hold a special place in the hearts of many loving football fans from the Northeast. Since I can remember, Tom Brady has always been the face of the New England Patriots. Any time I hear the word "quarterback" I think of TB12. It's ingrained in my brain. To many, he's known as the G.O.A.T. (Greatest of All Time). He's a high-profile celebrity. If you're from the Greater Boston Area, you probably know that his mansion is located beside The Country Club in Chestnut Hill, Massachusetts, and his backyard can be seen from the golf course. Tom Brady is a role model to young athletes and an example of someone who never gives up, considering he's still playing in the NFL and is the oldest starting quarterback at 41 years old.

Aside from the die-hard New England fans, I think just about every other football fan in America is completely through the roof that the Patriots have once again won the AFC Championship and are moving on to their eleventh Super Bowl. The Patriots are a team that everyone loves to trash talk. Just when you think they're about to lose, they miraculously come back and finish strong in the final minutes.

After a nail-biting AFC championship game that resulted in an overtime touchdown drive, the Patriots beat the Kansas City Chiefs and will advance to Super Bowl LIII on Feb. 3 in Atlanta. It will definitely be an interesting game between the "NFL's oldest of the old, and the newest of the new," said by NFL reporter Kevin Seifert. Is anyone even surprised anymore? I mean, come on, it's Tom Brady. He always delivers and rarely lets fans down.

With more division titles than any other quarterback in NFL history, Tom Brady is prepared to lead his team to another victory win against the Los Angeles Rams. This past Super Bowl LII against the Philadelphia Eagles was definitely a devastating one. The Patriots went into the game favored by 4.5 points and were predicted to win by almost all of SportingNews' experts. The Eagles managed to come through with a 41-33 win and received their first Super Bowl title in the franchise's history.

To many, Tom Brady is definitely a sore subject, after the Deflategate controversy with allegations of him being involved with deflated footballs used in the 2014-15 AFC Championship game against the Indianapolis Colts. New England fans have put the past behind them and are rooting for Brady to lead the team to victory yet again.

This coming Super Bowl LIII in just a few weeks will be Brady and head coach Bill Belichick's ninth Super Bowl together. It's predicted that it could even be Brady's sixth Super Bowl title. This will be the Patriots' third Super Bowl in a row and in order for them to win against the Rams, they're going to have to rush for more than 100 yards.

As football fans get amped up in the coming weeks, it will be exciting to see how this year's Super Bowl will play out.

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10. "I wonder if I could sneak a beer in here."

11. "I just really want chocolate chip cookies."

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