5. Kevin Hart: Irresponsible | The Odyssey Online
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Television Streaming

A Netflix Summer Binge List You'll Be Watching Until School Starts Up Again

For the days you don't feel like getting out of bed, or for the nights you want to stay up until 4 a.m.

A Netflix Summer Binge List You'll Be Watching Until School Starts Up Again

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I love me a good show or movie to watch on Netflix. With summer around the corner, I'm sure that there will be days or nights where there will be nothing to do. But if you're reading this, then you're in luck because I'm going to give you shows/movies that I've currently been obsessed with, or plan on watching this summer,

1. How to Get Away With Murder


This show is my absolute favorite. Netflix recently put the newest season on, so this will definitely be my number-one binge this summer.

2. Stranger Things


Season three will be released on Netflix July 4, 2019. This is something I've been waiting for since last summer after I finished Season two in three days, oops!

3. On My Block


If you haven't already, you need to watch "On My Block." It's a great show about a group of friends taking on their neighborhood. Season two was released a few months ago, and Diego Tinoco (aka Cesar) recently tweeted that a season three is coming soon.

4. The Office


Always a great go-to when you don't know what to watch.

5. Kevin Hart: Irresponsible


If you have not seen this comedy special yet, you need to. This had me dying laughing the whole time. And if you're like me and were confused on Twitter with all the "gun compartment" jokes, then go watch this comedy special right now.

6. Imposters


This is a Bravo original scripted show and it is so good! There are only two seasons out right now, which I hate because I end up finishing too fast, but it is so worth it. It's about a professional con artist who is going around and making people fall in love and marry her so she can take all their money.

7. Scandal


Another Shonda Rhimes master piece. I had started this show a few years ago but stopped watching after the second season. I restarted fall semester and fell in love. Olivia Pope is a total girl boss and this show is definitely worth your time.

8. Homecoming: A Beyoncé Film


This documentary is about Beyoncé's Coachella performance in 2018. It's pretty much a live concert, but also goes behind the scenes of show preparation. The quality of the concert made me feel like I was in the front row at Coachella.

9. Extremely Wicked, Shockingly Evil and Vile


This movie starring Zac Efron is about serial killer Ted Bundy. The dark movie, while fantasizing and romanticizing serial killers, is based on the book "The Phantom Prince: My Life with Ted Bundy" by Elizabeth Kendall. The movie will be released on Netflix on May 3.

10. All-American


Best for last, "All-American." This is a new CW show inspired by the story of former NFL player, Spencer Paysinger. The show is based on a footballer player at South Crenshaw High, who goes to play at Beverly Hills. But the show talks about more than just football. It talks about issues that go on today against people of color. The show has recently been renewed for a second season.

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