1. We don't get paid enough to clean up after you. | The Odyssey Online
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6 Secrets All Student Employees Want You To Know, Including That We Don't Actually Care How You're Doing

The things that will make everyone's life easier

6 Secrets All Student Employees Want You To Know, Including That We Don't Actually Care How You're Doing

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Going to school full time and working is really difficult sometimes. And there are lots of things that us student workers go through like working a closing shift when we have homework due, studying while stocking, and dealing with rude customers who are also our peers. Some days our jobs are great. Our jobs may pay for our education, rent, or just weekend plans. But other days our jobs really suck and we hate everything. Here are 5 secrets all student workers want you to know.

1. We don't get paid enough to clean up after you.

Drop a carton of blueberries? Spill your water? Here are some napkins. I only get paid minimum wage and cleaning up after you is not in my job description.

2. When we ask "how are you?" we don't want an actual answer.

We saying the same generic things when you come up to our counter. "Hey, how are you?" Just so you know, the only acceptable answer is "good, you?". We don't want an entire synopsis of your day.

3. We have no idea what's going on at all times.

Communication doesn't really exist when you're a student worker. Oh, somethings on sale? I had no idea. New promotion you saw a sign for? No clue.

4. When items don't ring up, we guess the price. 

Sometimes items aren't registered in our computers. In that case we guess the price and that's what you get charged. Sometimes it's higher than it should be and sometimes it's lower.

5. We work every snow day, weekend, and day off.

While everyone is out at dages, studying, snowball fights, hanging with friends, going away for the weekend, we have to trek to work. This one may not seem like much of a secret but you will not believe how many times we get the classic "oh my god I can't believe you guys are open!" Well, believe it because here you are.

6. If you pay with your school ID and you have 89 things on your lanyard, we will want to kill you. 

This is a daily annoyance. Swiping your card is much more difficult when you have a can of paper spray, a rabbit's foot, and 39 keys on your lanyard.

All in all, being a student worker has its pros and cons but maybe knowing these secret thoughts every student worker has during their shift you'll be able to know what not to do.

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