1. The household woes have become a struggle. You've started sorting your laundry into piles titled "Just Needs Some Febreeze" and "For the Love of God Wash Me!"
2. When someone is giving you attitude at work, but your boss is watching.
3. But you really want to be like...
4. Or...
5. And when someone asks you to hang out, but you really just want to watch some Netflix with your cat and drink a juice box.
6. When you trying to do holiday shopping on a $50 budget and see a mall Santa.
7. But when payday rolls around, you'll be like...
8. And like...
9. When you're with your high school friend and they ask you to hold the baby for a minute...and you stand there with it like....
10. And when they ask you why you don't have any kids yet...
11. You'd really like a dog, but can barely take care of yourself. So you settle for dragging a stuffed animal around on a piece of string.
12. And finally, when someone once again tries to give you life advice but they have no car or job and so you stare at them like...