The Internet has become pretty familiar with Gavin and his undeniably relatable faces. It’s all of the ones that we’ve used, seen, hidden… and retweeted. Although he may not be old enough to be sitting next to us in our next lecture hall, I’m confident in saying that his facial expressions scream, “I know, I feel the same way.”
1. Sitting In 8am Lecture.
We all have the nights where we’d be perfectly content if they never had to come to an end… those nights that will go down in the books for one of the best days ever… the nights that you really wish didn’t turn into mornings. We can all relate to sitting in class four hours later, with our not-strong enough coffee, and head supported by our sleep deprived wrists, thinking: Why did I stay up so late last night? How long is it going to take to actually do tonight’s homework, and how much you wish you were drinking this coffee three hours later… in bed… or on a beach. Or better yet, maybe in a red solo cup.
2. Re-gaining Your Bearings And Your Friend Yells "Ready For Tonight?!"
Yeah, last night was pretty great, but round two certainly won’t be happening… or so you thought as you’re getting dressed and walking up out the door to meet up with your friends.3. There's A Ten Page Paper Due Tomorrow And You're On Page Four.
Six more pages? I’m fine. Let me take a break, I can take a break, or two. Everything’s a lot more entertaining when you’re avoiding the blank white pages screaming at you from your computer screen... that you're ready to throw out the window.4. Declaring Your Major
5. Finally Getting To Hang Out With Your Friends
It's been a long day. But classes are over, and homework is done.6. It's Been A Long Day And You Have A Date With Netflix And Ramen.
No one can get you to go out tonight. All you need tonight is to relax in the comfort of your dorm room with a hot cup of ramen noodles, and some Nick Miller.
7. Staying Up Late With Your Roommates
They know how horrible your morning went after you slept through three of your alarms, how cold the water was in the shower this morning, how awesome your presentation went in class today, and what happened five years ago at your best friends moms aunts birthday party.
8. "Any Cute Boys At School?" 
We all go home some weekends, or for the holidays and get bombarded with the same questions we got last year. "Do you have a boyfriend?" "What are you majoring in?" "Where are you working?"
9. Taking Notes In Class
Your professor has a heavy accent, screams, goes from talking about one thing to another, and you're sitting there trying to keep up, drawing an occasional flower or two. Hey, looks pretty good.10. Checking Out After A Trip To Target
You’re away from home and considered an adult now. Which means- grocery shopping on your own! Target is all fun and games; until you reach self-check out and realize that you have 20 dollars left and spent 18.75 on tortilla chips, and microwavable mac’ n cheese.11. "Who Wants To Grab Dinner?"
actually it's more like.... "Come now. I'm Already here."
12. Laying In Bed“I’m only going to stay up 10 more minutes,” but three hours later and you’re still watching Netflix, and scrolling through Facebook, and occasionally skipping to the next song on Pandora.13. There's A New Cute Guy In Class
14. Checking Your Bank Account
15. Sitting At Your Desk And Hearing The People Next Door 
16. Cleaning Up Your Emotional Mess
The convenience of being at school is that you're able to walk down the hall right into your friends room when you need advice. Except when you text them and they reply back "still in class," so you're left to figure it out on your own.
*and an hour and half later*
All Gavin photo credits to and